Aug 1, 2018

The Spirit | Aug 1, 2018 | ~ STUDIES SHOW GROUP MEDITATION LOWERS CRIME, SUICIDE, & DEATHS IN SURROUNDING AREAS ~ | Blogger: To help Cobra, Mother GAIA Earth and the MANY spiritual enlightened beings, support groups etc., trying to reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing mass meditation, before the Eclipse of August, 11 2018. If you feel so guided, or it resonate with you, perhaps YOU could create your own MEDI-group to support every single human on earth in this transformation, transmutation and ascension process!?. EVEN in the darkest capital of the world, Washington D.C., it helps.. Cobra:' Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event and Full Disclosure closer to us '... |

There is a lot of talk about meditation as being an essential practice to cultivate overall wellness. But meeditation is not just a way to cope with stress and seek inner knowledge. It literally has the potential to literally transform the world.

By transform the world, I don’t just mean transform individuals who meditate. When large numbers of people get together and meditate at the same time, it has an energetic ripple effect on the consciousness of the surrounding people. People who aren’t even meditating are impacted by the effects of the meditators. Let’s look at some of the scientific studies that prove this to be the case.

What studies have revealed

In 1978, what is known as the “Maharishi Effect” took place when a group of 7000 individuals over the course of 3 weeks were meditating in hopes of positively effecting the surrounding city. They were able to literally transform the collective energy of the city which reduced global crime rates, violence, and casualties during the times of their meditation by an average of 16%.

People who were not even meditating and had no idea that this experiment was even happening were
being an impacted by such a degree that it caused a statistical change in their behaviour.

Suicide rates and automobile accidents also were reduced with all variables accounted for. In fact, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at which this group was meditation.

A specific study published in Psychology, Crime & Law found that crime rate dropped by 13% in Merseyside, Great Britain during time when people were meditating in large groups, whereas a control city where people where not meditating in large groups saw a steady crime rate. As the study concluded: