Aug 8, 2018

Strange Sounds \\ \\ \\ | Aug 8, 2018 | ~ It’s not just in Florida! Ecosystems collapse around the world as seagulls drop from the sky, millions of fish are dying, and whales are stranding unusually ~ |

While hundred of thousands of aquatic animals are being killed by a devastating and unprecedented red tide in Florida, other parts in the world have also recorded many unusual animal mass die-offs these days. Here a long list of frightening examples:

Ecosystem collapse. There are always more animal mass die-offs reported around the world

Seagulls drop dead from the sky in Saskatchewan, Canada

Gulls have been dropping from the sky at Turtle Lake, leading to an unsettling feeling for locals and campers coming across the dead young birds. Suzy Fey Pilat has found dozens of the birds lying around the beaches of the lake, located about 240 kilometres northwest of Saskatoon. She’s also watched as the birds have fallen from the sky. “It feels like you’re in a horror movie. It’s crazy.” – CBC Canada

Millions of fish die in West Lake, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Beginning of last month, millions of dead fish started covering West Lake in Hanoi. The mass die-off started on July 7 and lasted until July 9. Investigations haven’t found any causes for the mass die-off yet. But it must have been very impressive. Look at the pictures by yourself – Zing

Dead blue whale found washed up on a Japanese beach



MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 252 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

NOTE: Due to time constraints, we no longer report every event, so the numbers are lower than they should be.

7th August 2018 - Hundreds of thousands of dead fish wash up on beach, 'a mystery' in Seaford, England. Link

7th August 2018 - Thousands of fish die in the Rhine, due to heat in Switzerland. Link

6th August 2018 - Tons of dead fish washing up in Sarasota, Florida, America. Link

6th August 2018 - 28,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Sabah, Malaysia. Link

4th August 2018 - Thousands of dead fish found in a river in Punjab, India. Link

3rd August 2018 - Thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in Vietnam. Link

2nd August 2018 - 3.2 MILLION livestock dead due to heatwave throughout Korea. Link

1st August 2018 - 400 dead turtles and dolphins wash up since November in Florida, America. Link

1st August 2018 - Hundreds of dead fish found off the coast of Bundoran, Ireland. Link

1st August 2018 - 33,000 lbs of dead fish found in Badger Hole Reservoir, China. Link

1st August 2018 - 700 dolphins wash up dead during the winter along the coast of France. Link



Klimaminister: Lokummet brænder – nu haster det med klimaet

Lars Christian Lilleholt (V)
– Hvad skyldes den pludselige interesse for klimaændringerne?
Græsset på golfbanen er visnet helt væk…!

Klimaet er en brændende platform.


Vi når kun Paris-målet, hvis vi binder CO2 i jord og skov, fortæller Venstres sveddryppende klimaminister Lars Christian Lilleholt.

Der pludselig har fået meget travlt i takt med konsekvenserne af tørken bliver stadig mere synlige.

Vi har ingen Planet B.

Menneskeheden står over for en enorm klimaudfordring, og vi kan kun nå målet i Paris-aftalen, hvis vi finder metoder til at binde CO2 fra luften i landbrugsjord, skove og i undergrunden.

Sådan lyder det nu fra energi- og klimaminister Lars Christian Lilleholt (V).

En nedskæring af CO2-udslippet alene kan ikke redde os, erkender han nu uden at påpege, at klimatologerne i årevis har gjort gældende, at temperaturene også vil være stigende år efter, at CO2-udledningerne er stoppet.
