Aug 11, 2018

πŸ”΄ SPACE LIVE | Aug 11, 2018 | ~ Watch Live Tonight! NASA Launching Parker Solar Probe at 3:53 am EDT ~ | .. NASA Is About to Launch the Fastest Spacecraft in History. Target: The Sun! .. | Blogger: [08.53 Saturday, Central European Time (CET). Will NASA try to STOP the inevitable. A new paradigm shift and spiritual revolution!? πŸš€] ... ⚠️⚠️⚠️ UPDATE: 11:30 CET AM ⚠️⚠️⚠️ DID OUR 'KEY TO FREEDOM MEDITATION' JUST SHUTDOWN NASA's LAUNCH!? (Last-Minute Glitch Delays Launch of NASA's Parker Solar Probe) -- Wooooooooow! What a relief, i feel sooooooo relaxed and hearthfull ENERGIZED and i think WE MADE IT!!!! From the bottom of my heart - i think we have reached our MAIN GOAL from our beloved 144.000 lightwarriors and lightworkers. Gratitude a 144.000 thanks from the bottom of my heart and soul πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’ž. JUST THINK we SOON are able to hold the LIGHT and PEACEKEEPING mission, AT ALL TIME... | ... STRANGE that NASA = Never A Straight Answer - will launch a Solar Probe at Leo New Moon Solar Eclipse, August 11, 2018. The probe will be shielded from Sun's heat!??? - however the Sun is COLD.... RECAP 2016: ... Christmas canceled? Solar storm heading toward Earth could shut down power grids... This report stinks to high heaven... My thought is to live without fear! To live my life with truth!... Sorry for breaking the illusion... Our sun is not HOT! The sun is really COLD, contrary to what official science says... The incoming cosmic wave is set to hit the earth around december 26th, 2016 has more to do with our Central Sun outside our Milky Way, Tachyon energy particles, Tsunami of Love from Spiritual Hierarchy and Earth rising to fifth dimension. Not to forget that this article and warnings from Obama has to do with False Flag man-made electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons... The sun is a star and is also a portal for higher frequency energies coming from Arcturus, the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way galaxy, from the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone, and other waves of energy which are reaching Earth and producing life changes. This cosmic radiation, such as tachyons, as well as sun light or sun rays and Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are all coming to the planets of the solar system, some cause more heat on the planets, some other cosmic energies are not physically perceived at all but produce DNA changes, so called “mutations”. The CMEs and sun rays do not increase the heat due to the heat transfer phenomenon but through affecting morphogenetic fields and introducing more energy to all animate and inanimate life through the many different wavelength frequencies they are carriers of. As matter is denser, more excitation is caused by the photons and more heat is generated as a result.... Please remember our MSM and scientists was very igger to report back in June 2016, we've had the smallest number of sunspots in this cycle since Cycle 14, which reached its maximum in February of 1906. The previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 23, peaked in 2000-2002 with many furious solar storms.... So now, Obama and the power elite are warning us, once again, a fast stream of solar wind has reportedly hit Earth's magnetic field and the solar storm can disrupt health and safety across entire continents, acc. to Obama. In other words, 'Solar storm' and an 'EMP'... Our military–industrial complex (MIC) has already man-made electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon and many other exotic weapons... Use your own discernment... |



Christmas canceled? Solar storm heading toward Earth could shut down power grids

Published time: 23 Dec, 2016 04:58 -


A spotless sun: Incredible image shows solar activity at its quietest in 100 years - and some say it could trigger a mini ice age

© NASA- The sun is in the currently in its quietest period for more than a century. For the second time this month, the sun has gone into 'cue ball' mode, with images from Nasa showing no large visible sunspots on its surface