May 15, 2018

Wakeup-World | May 14, 2018 | ~ Is Your Work Your Spiritual Teacher? ~ |

By Stacy Vajta

Guest writer for Wake Up World

From the moment I realized I was a healer, I knew my work was going to be my biggest teacher. Initially it felt like a calling, although the moment I made it my business, “it” as a teacher kicked into high gear.

I think some of us grow the most through our work. Others are tested in life from their relationships or their bodies. And certainly there is a myriad of cross-over experiences that teach us, but it seems like there’s usually one path or another that pushes our buttons and invites the biggest growth.

For me, right from the beginning, it was work.

Years ago I had an intuitive teacher of mine look at something for me. I was struggling with my work. Every core pattern seemed to be lit-up, looking to be looked at. In our work together, we found the energetic footprint of a wish that had been placed on me at birth. It was from my Grandmother, saying, “I never want you to have to work as much, and as hard, as I have.”