May 22, 2018

The Guardian | May 22, 2018 | ~ Fortnite: a parents' guide to the most popular video game in schools ~ | .. Fortnite: a parents' guide to the most popular video game in schools If you have children between eight and 18, the chances are you’ve heard of the multiplayer online shooter Fortnite: Battle Royale. Here’s what you need to know .. | Blogger: [⚠️WHEN YOUR CHILD IS OBSESSED WITH VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES, AND BECOMES THE ZOMBIES IN THE GAMES, THEY ARE TRYING TO SLAUGHTER. SEEING ALL THE ZOMBIE MOVIES, KIDS HAVE MOVED OVER TO FORNITE. SKIPPING SCHOOL TO PLAY FORTNITE!. DANISH PSYCHOLOGIST BACKS KIDS NEED TO PLAY 6 HOURS AT DAY!😯] ... 💬 - 'Fortnite could be putting children at risk, top UK charity warns. Epic Games, a US video game software developer, said Fortnite had racked up 45 million players as of January ( '.. 💬 - 'Superdata estimates that Fortnite Battle Royale beat PUBG in terms of total revenue in February with $126 million compared to PUBG's $103 million (Forbes)' ... ❓What do play? Destiny 2 - on Xbox One ... | (danish:) - 24syv Morgen gennemtrevler hvorfor unge teens er blevet besat af spillet Fortnite: Battle Royale, som har taget overhånd, i sådanne en grad, at unge drenge, sætter vækkeuret om natten, så de kan spille inden de skal op i skole og mange spiller over 6 timer om dagen, flere forældre har været tvunget til at trække stikket efter kl. 7 om aftenen og der bliver pjækket fra skolen. Men en psykolog bakker op om, at drenge sagtens kan spille 6 timer om dagen, efter lektier og gøremål ... PS: Min nevø spiller også som en gal, og har forsøgt at overtale mig, siger mig dog intet, meeen hans mor er streng, og sætter trods alt, grænser. Dog, er han klog nok til ikke, at købe skins og våben, som mange unge gør og bliver ihvertfald ikke ruineret... |

You know a video game has made it when ITV daytime programme This Morning posts on its Facebook page asking parents if their kids are addicted. You can be doubly sure when that post attracts almost 60,000 comments. In this case the game is Fortnite: Battle Royale, a bright, brash multiplayer shooter. It was released last year, and is now one of the biggest online games out there.

With more than 40m players worldwide, the chances are either your children or their friends are already passionate fans. For some, that fandom may well be bordering on obsession. Should you be worried? Here’s what you need to know about the game.

What is Fortnite: Battle Royale?

In short, it’s a mass online brawl where 100 players leap out of a plane on to a small island and then fight each other until only one is left. Hidden around the island are weapons and items, including crossbows, rifles and grenade launchers, and players must arm themselves while exploring the landscape and buildings. It’s also possible to collect resources that allow you to build structures where you can hide or defend yourself. As the match progresses, the playable area of land is continually reduced, so participants are forced closer and closer together. The last survivor is the winner.