May 4, 2018

JP | 3. Maj 2018 | ~ Entreprenør fik igen og igen stjålet diesel, men så hyrede han en jægersoldat ~ | .. Tyveri fra byggepladser er et problem i hele landet. På en byggeplads på Sydsjælland skulle der en jægersoldat til, før dieseltyve kunne tages på fersk gerning .. | Blogger: Sooooo - who do you hire, to avoid being ripped off from thieves and 1000's of liters diesel oil?? EAGLE SHARK GROUP - which was founded in 2011 by two former special operat‍‍‍ion force team members. EAGLE SHARK GROUP ‍‍‍was established with the ambition of com‍‍‍bining the best of several worlds, from the Special Operation Forces. CLIENTS - The company serves a wide variety of clients, who are facing security challenges within IT security, terror threats and close protection. The company is also involved in investigation of counterfeit crimes as well as corporate espionage and due diligence... Since then, the company has developed a wide range of services within security and private intelligence. Branches in US, Poland and PARTNERS Ltd - U.K. etc... PS: Just wondering what else, they do for hire? Likvidations? CIA used Blackwater for secret assassination program, private military contractors, like the secretive mercenary company, Blackwater, one of the most dangerous in the world, and deadliest... |

Entreprenøren fik stjålet diesel fra denne gravko, der står på byggepladsen i Rønnebæk. Nu holder jægersoldater øje. Foto: Iris og Privatfoto/Møns Entreprenørfirma