Apr 18, 2018

The State Of The Nation | Apr 15, 2018 | ~ Here’s why Trump was ordered to launch the Syrian missile attack ~ | .. INTERNATIONAL RULE OF LAW HAS BEEN SHATTERED -- “Might Makes Right”. Now Reigns Supreme Across The Planet .. | Blogger: [👑How Power Corrupts the Mind♛] ... This actually resonate with verdensalt.dk: Somebody once told me (you know who), that Mr. Trump do not belong or supporting either the Dark Forces or the Light Forces 😨 Donald Trump is sacrificing the future of the planet on the altar of his own EGO - but he stills brings out the worst in people (and the best). In other words, The Trump-train is like a volcano deemed dormant but bursts into life.. Keep it in mind that Crooked Hillary as POTUS, would have meant death and destruction - the Very Deep State had WON ...

State of the Nation

The Bottom Line regarding Trump’s tragic missile attack on Syria is that:
“The international rule of law has been effectively shattered, and what little was left of the global order has been destroyed.”
Trump supporters and opponents across the political spectrum have been trying to spin the patently unlawful U.S. missile attack on Syria since it occurred on Friday the 13th. Some of those explanations (his naysayers) appear to be entirely accurate; however, many Trmpsters attempt to justify what is essentially a war crime.

Regardless of the position or perspective taken, one thing is for certain:
“Planet Earth is now ruled according to the law of the jungle. And the United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel and other Western powers are the self-appointed policemen of the jungle.”
In view of the recent American attempts to transparently manipulate the U.N. Security Council to collectively approve of this war crime in Syria, it’s quite clear why the attack was conducted. (See: ‘Security Council, unite’: US, UK & France want UN to back their illegal Syria strikes) The NATO military powers have essentially set up new draconian rules. If there is even a suspected chemical attack in Syria henceforth, the coalition including the US, UK, France and Israel will summarily respond with an immediate military offensive. This extremely dangerous precedent allows these nations to strike Syria whenever they stage either a false flag gas attack or one that is a complete hoax.
KEY POINT: As the de facto world policeman, the United States has been systematically used to incrementally destroy the rule of law. By consistently flouting the rule of international law over decades, an unbroken succession of U.S. presidents has greatly undermined the global order. Many a POTUS has been manipulated into this unfortunate predicament by the hidden powers that oversee the Oval Office. Some call it the shadow government; others call it the Very Deep State
READ MORE: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=98231