Apr 30, 2018

Gizmodo | Apr 30, 2018 | ~ Bill Gates Warns 30 Million People Could Die From Flu Pandemic if We Don't Get It Together ~ | Blogger: We know for a fact, that Bill Gates is involved heavily in the global vaccination program, which is just a trojan horse for a massive global depopulation program. He is also funding MASSIVE GMO food programs and Chemtraling... This is NOT the first time he warns us all... In a 2015 video from VOX, Bill Gates slips up and says "this is the most likely thing to kill 10 million EXCESS people". And why 33 million? Isn't that a bit Kabbalistic / Masonic? .... A breakdown of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s 2012 tax return by Mother Jones reveals billions in funding to corporations such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken ... If you're not familiarized with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, you're in for a surprise, but NOT the good kind... He called on the United Nations to get more power, more autonomous government control, “for the good of humanity.” “You can make fun of it, but in truth it is sad how the conference in Copenhagen is run, how individuals who behave like the UN system failed,” he said in January of 2017, at a UN conference ... Use my blog search to get an idea about Bill Gates ... |

READ MORE: https://gizmodo.com/bill-gates-warns-30-million-people-could-die-from-flu-p-1825615528
