Mar 2, 2018

Portal to Ascension | Mar 1, 2018 | Truth of Cancer 2 Day Summit (no charge webinar) | Blogger: Please note: FREE WEBINAR - Mar 17th & 18th, 2018 - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM (PDT) |

The mainstream narrative is that this cancer is fatal and commonly accepted treatments are now being proven to increase the chances of death.

What if there was another solution? Are there any advancements or holistic approaches that are better suited for treating or preventing cancer entirely?

Many people are dying and are sick… what would you do if you knew that a treatment exists that can improve the quality of life and increase our mortality rate.

This webinar is an exploration of cancer and illness in which we will dissect the truth behind the reasons why these methods are not in wide scale use; and what we can expect in the years to come as these advanced technologies and holistic treatments begin to emerge
⬗ Alternative therapies and holistic medicine
⬗ Sound, Frequency & Quantum Technology
⬗ Nutrition, GMO and geo-engineering truth
⬗ History of Big Pharma and how we got here
⬗ Marijuana - THC & CBD
⬗ Exposing the truth of the medical industry
⬗ There is no need for sickness on this planet... how do we create that world?