Mar 26, 2018

NN | Mar 24, 2018 | ~ “Hitler Youth” student gun control march invades Washington, follows in the footsteps of Nazis who disarmed the Jews before the Holocaust ~ | .. (Natural News) The “Hitler Youth” invasion of Washington D.C. took place today as young fascists-in-training were corralled into the nation’s capitol to demand that government authoritarians strip away the civil liberties of all law-abiding Americans in the name of “gun control.” Just like Hitler Youth enthusiasts, these fascists-in-training are told they’re “saving lives” for “a better future,” and that the only thing standing in their way is a bunch of violent gun owners who want to murder every baby in sight. (The irony of all these left-wingers actually condoning the abortion murder of babies, of course, is completely missed in all this.) .. |

"Hitler Youth" now rising in America... very disturbing and dangerous
Mike Adams
A "Hitler Youth" movement is now rising in America, disguised as an anti-gun movement.
In today's shocking story, you'll see the photographic proof that Hogg, the fascist leader of the "Hitler Youth" movement, is promoting Nazi-style armbands, Hitler-inspired salutes and Hitler-aligned goals to strip away the civil liberties of Americans.

Adolf Hitler exploited children to achieve the mass disarmament of the Jews, right before carrying on the Holocaust that murdered millions. Now, we are seeing almost the exact same language, seething rage and radical calls for government control in America.

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