Feb 28, 2018

Verdensalt | 28. Feb, 2018 | ~ Grounding - hvad betyder grounding for din livskvalitet? Gør minus dage til plus dage med små skridt ~ | Blogger: 💭Du tænker sikkert - det er nemt at sidde og skrive på en blog, uden at formidle sit budskab i åbent forum og vække andres indre gigant, som Anthony Robbins. Har haft en del drømme for nyligt, som indikere, jeg skal træde ud i lyset og blive 'den' spirituelle leder, som jeg kan blive. Det er nemmere sagt end gjort, når man er privatperson og en minoritet i et samfund, som ikke lovpriser spiritualitet og åbenhed (og SLET ikke vor udenjordiske liv, forfædre, ledsagere og omkring sandhedsgivende konspirationer). Personlighed er meget mere end at være introvert eller ekstrovert - ja men der skal mod til at tale i en forsamling. Meetups, kunne være en løsning, har luftet tanken hos enkelte danske medlemmer af PFC community (Prepare For Change) ...💬 Som REIKI-healer (selvom jeg ikke er indviet REIKI-master) ved man, hvor enormt vigtigt det er, at være 'grounded' til moder Jord/GAIA. Jeg når ikke altid meditation hver dag, men bekræftelser og positiv tænkning - er min guide til aktiv positivitet affirmations. Verdensalt.dk skriver OGSÅ om ting, som vores "dybe (mørke) stat" ikke bryder sig om. Temaer og Emner kan fremkomme 'negativt' men er blot en dyb grundlæggende forståelse for faktagivning - i dene 3D Matrix af Illusion, som vi lever i. [Konsekvenspædagogik -- Det nytter ikke noget at sidde i en rundkreds og synge Kumbaya«]. Det spørgsmål som du sikkert skal stille dig selv om er: Hvad er Fake News, alternative fakta, kildekritik, postfaktuelt, løgn og rygter? ... LAD OS SÅ MODTAGE VOR DAGLIGE SKUD AF HJERTELIG GROUNDING FOR AT FINDE 'VORES' EGEN INDRE SANDHED 💙❤️💚💛💜💗 ... |

Spirituality - the quality of being concerned with the human spirit (with Alien DNA) or soul as opposed to material or physical things...

Our Spirit Guides has stated it very clearly. We are a Spiritual Being having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience. That means, we are all spiritual beings. If you believe there is more than life itself in the present of now, then in my book, you are becoming aware of one's own spiritual state. Spirituality is not a religion. It does not come from your parents or Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking (just an example). Spirituality arises from somewhere deep inside you (HIGHER SELF or SOUL). It's a inner belief taking root in the heart, without having any visible evidence or proof of why. We have all agreed to stay on earth in this "present-moment-awareness" to experience our Five Senses. That also means, we need to listen to what our thoughts, intuition and gut feeling and act on it. When you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - changes. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government and politicians, religion beliefs. Next thing - rollercoaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore...



1. (1-minute grounding meditation -Ask your guides, ascended masters or guardian angels, to assist your)
  • Take a seat with your feet on the ground. Eyes closed and hands were it feels comfortable
  • Take a deep breath in. Feel your body as you inhale
  • Take a long breath out. Notice your body as you exhale 
  • Try incorporating a set inhale-exhale ratio (3 times or as you feel comfortable)
  • Follow your breath in and out
  • Rest your mind on your belly or your chest or at your nostrils
  • Just be aware as you breathe in and aware as you breathe out
  • Kindly ask to be joined with the inner Earthly Star of Gaia and to be grounded with her
  • Say thanks and send LOVE to the healing your have receive from above 
2. (Extended grounding - Ask your guides, ascended masters or guardian angels, to assist your)
  • While sitting quite, feel your body rotate clockwise and ready for receiving.  
  • Kindly ask for a WHITE pillar of light to cleanse your chakras. 
    • Visualize it cleansing your body of any and all negativity  
    • Imagine light flowing in from above, through your crown, down your spinal column, and uniting all of your chakras as one pillar of light
  • Kindly ask for a RED pillar of light, penetrating your body, from above
    • Coming from our own Central Sun of Alcyone (Pleiadian System) or Galactic Central Sun, going through all known planets into your crown chakra, down to the root chakra, through your feet, into inner Earth, until received by Mother GAIA. 
    • As Mother GAIA returns a second RED pillar of light going up, all the way to your body, through all known planets into, up to the Central Sun of Alcyone, Pleiadian system.
    • Say thanks and send LOVE to the healing your have receive from above 
PS: you can add as many of the rainbow pillar of light, as you wish for and understand the meaning of (below my interpretation) 
  • Pink Light - Goddess or feminine energy - to virtualize healing the Earth (COBRA)
  • The blue ray represents the Father (Power), the yellow ray represents the Son (Wisdom), and the pink ray represents the Holy Spirit (Love)
  • The Violet Flame - most powerful protections your can have. Add yourself into that pillar of light with a spinning OCTACAL.  

"The eight-point star as a symbol marks early human understanding of the intellegent order that underlies our universe. Today, it carries religous and mystical associations. Known as the khatam in Islamic cultures, it and its variants are found at the center of stunning zillij masterpieces throughout Morocco. Amidst the color and compostion, the khatam stands as a symbol of early astronomy, interconnectedness, and faith in the ultimate harmony of Creation. In this way, the khatam represents the highest virtues in Moroccan culture: learning, community, faith, and love of beauty."