Feb 5, 2018

Enhedslistens Facebook \\ Finans.dk | 3. Feb 2018 | Så meget Selskabsskat betaler de i Danmark -- Kun 100 virksomheder betaler over halvdelen af landets selskabsskat. Mere end halvdelen af de 60,5 mia. kr. staten årligt får ind i selskabsskatter stammer fra kun 100 virksomheder | Blogger: (In English:) COME TO DENMARK - I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse -- The corporate tax rate is 23.5 % (reduced to 22 % as of 2016). The poster shows how these in particular companies pays NULL in corporate tax in Denmark (and that's only a sample). According to finans.dk, only 100 companies pay more than half of the country's corporate tax .... ".. In U.S - Multinational corporations like Apple, Microsoft, Abbott Laboratories and Coca-Cola have ways of booking profits overseas, out of the reach of the Internal Revenue Service.. Others, like American Electric Power, Con Ed and Comcast, qualified for accelerated depreciation, enabling them to write off most of the cost of equipment and machinery before it wore out. Facebook, Aetna and Exxon Mobil, among others, saved billions in taxes by giving options to top executives to buy stock in the future at a discount. The companies then get to deduct their huge payouts as a loss. Facebook used excess tax benefits from stock options to reduce its federal and state taxes by $5.78 billion from 2010 to 2015, the institute found (NY Times) .".. |


Kun 100 virksomheder betaler over halvdelen af landets selskabsskat

Mere end halvdelen af de 60,5 mia. kr. staten årligt får ind i selskabsskatter stammer fra kun 100 virksomheder. Det gør Danmark sårbar i den internationale konkurrence.
LÆS VIDERE: https://finans.dk/okonomi/ECE10258161/kun-100-virksomheder-betaler-over-halvdelen-af-landets-selskabsskat/?ctxref=ext