Feb 5, 2018

CPHPost Online | Feb 5, 2018 | Socialdemokratiet sets out asylum overhaul in 2019 election mandate | .. It’s time to take back control, says party leader Mette Frederiksen, who vows to take the whole application system outside Danish borders .. | Blogger: (Does Denmark have a racism problem? If you mix blue and red politicians, you get a pink danish governmental body) ... 🙄🤔😮Let me get this straight - ""Stop applying for asylum in Denmark - turn them down on the borders & asylum centers and bring them down to concentration camps in Northern Africa"". That's according to many danish newspapers this morning.. CPHPost: Denmark’s biggest opposition party took what it hopes will be a giant step towards achieving that goal by proposing a complete overhaul of the current asylum process. The new policy, entitled ‘Retfærdig og Realistisk’ (fair and realistic), will seek to put a ceiling on both asylum and family-reunification approvals – as agreed each year by Parliament – whilst adhering to UN refugee quotas ... |

READ MORE: http://cphpost.dk/news/socialdemokratiet-sets-out-asylum-overhaul-in-2019-election-mandate.html