Jan 26, 2018

TV2 NYS | Jan 25, 2018 | Kloning af to babyaber gør det muligt også at klone mennesker | .. Målet med kloningen af aber er at kurere menneskesygdomme .. | Blogger: (New York Times: Scientists Successfully Clone Monkeys; Are Humans Up Next?) -- PS: ""Soft Disclosure""... 💭 We all heard the strangest rumors of all, that human cloning has been going on for many decades. I've read about it from channeling messages and ascended masters, for over 10 years now. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Military aims for High-Tech, Life-Like limb replacements and many other things.. Human cloning - from VIP's to world leaders (Hillary Clinton, Putin, Obama, John Mccain etc.)... |

LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2018-01-25-kloning-af-to-babyaber-goer-det-muligt-ogsaa-at-klone-mennesker