Jan 14, 2018

Disclosure News Italy | Aggiornato il 13 January, 2018 | ~ MASSIVE spike in the Schumann Resonance heartbeat ~ | ~ Yaldabaoth Tentacles Removal Universal Dissolution - 6 % means 6 more months to final dissolution phase of both Yalda the Plasma Entity ~ |

Schumann Resonance Today 1/13/2018 We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibrationg higher and higher, just like us!

RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

RS Today’s Peaks:

  • In a day that it could have been another “nothing significant”, suddenly, at 15:50 UTC, the ferquincy bursted and went way above 40 Hz. This is still ongoing and the trend is to continue… we shall see later today.
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC +7


The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm Schuman resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric cavity.

The amplitude of Schumann resonances does change and is bigger when ionospheric plasma gets excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly.

Finally a new update on the cristallization of Yalda! We are now witnessing the final dissolution pahse of both Yalda the Plasma Entity and the plasmatic worms! It took roughly 1 month to trasmute 1% of the entities… we can start specultaion that it might take 6 more months to completely dissolve all of them… well, we all wish it’s ike this, it clearly better it it gonna take less than that but we will surely sign for these six months! Much Love to Yalda and the Parasites!! We encourage all the Lightworkers to join the Meditations for Yalda and Firend dissolution, let’s put an end on this 6% remaining!!
