Jan 2, 2018

Astrostyle | Jan 2, 2017 | Dear Capricorn, Brace yourself for BIG changes, surprising plot twists and a major planet in YOUR sign for the first time in 27 years! | .. Your 2018 Astro Summary: THE CAPRICORN HIGHLIGHTS (Your Love Life) -- Friends with benefits? A platonic bond could heat up into something more. Online dating and intros by mutual friends can bring luck. Couples will grow closer by mingling with friends and getting more involved in social and community pursuits. (Your Finances) -- Don’t hate, collaborate! Team projects could take you to new heights. With structured Saturn in Capricorn for the next three years, you’re building your empire, brick by brick. You might reinvent your path from scratch or finally gain recognition as a heavy-hitting leader in your field. (Your Health & Happiness) -- Gather your tribe! Friends make your world go ‘round in 2018, as fascinating new people enter your orbit. With disciplined Saturn in Capricorn, you might try a bootcamp-style program or a clean eating diet.. | Blogger: Why is astrology so popular today? Why do people believe in astrology? The answer to the question lies very much in the same realm as why people believe in just about any superstition. Astrology offers a number of things which many people find very desirable: information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of their current situation and future decisions, and a way to feel connected to the entire cosmos. Most likely, you even get some vaguely useful advice about your future. Daniel Cohen wrote in the Chicago Tribune in 1968 that: "The core of an astrologer's popularity stems from the fact that he can offer something that no astronomer or any other scientists can give - reassurance. In an uncertain time, when religion, morals, and ethics are shattered so regularly that one hardly notices that they are gone, the astrologer holds out a vision of a world ruled by forces that operate with clockwork regularity. In addition, astrology is glorifying. Instead of feeling himself a mere slave in the hands of different hostile forces, the believer is uplifted by his connection with the cosmos. ... The sort of misty character analysis that astrologers engage in cannot be considered proof at all. Who can object to a flattering description of themselves? One astrologer told me that under my hard exterior I was a sensitive person. How was I to reply to a statement like that? Could I say, 'No, I am really a hardheaded clod'?" (Excerpts from thoughtco)... |