Sep 21, 2017

Activist Post | Sep 20, 2017 | UK Supermarket Becomes World’s First To Offer Cashless Checkout With Finger Vein Scan | .. The march toward a cashless society has now moved from the theoretical to the phase of widespread adoption. This is primarily due to developments in the tech sector that now enable the easy use of biometric recognition systems, as well as the increasing acceptance from a public who is becoming familiar with turning themselves into a password for their personal devices .. | Blogger: Researchers connect a human mind to the internet for the first time in history. FB has its own living driving AI on the Internet. Autonomous robots and artificial intelligence (FARAI). Microchip implant (RFID chip). Biometric Recognition Systems. Facial recognition payments. Cashless agenda denialists. As AP mentioned in this article, soon, smartphone payments would eventually seem outdated overtaken by The Vein Scanners.. The Impact of Digitalization and Robotization is all about control, surveillance and submission. Did you know, for the first time in danish history, our kids requires NemID to enter the doctor? My sister just told, she has 3 children and angry like hell, because nobody can help her!! (NemID (literally: EasyID) is a common log-in solution for Danish Internet banks, government websites, used, almost everywhere in Denmark now). Who owns NemID?? Nets A/S - specialise in powering digital payments, has just made a fortune. Just seconds before it got quoted on the Danish Stock Exchange, they bought Stocks & Shares. 70 executives in the management group, got their money, 131 times back, after one year employment in the company. Denmark's richest press officer will gain DKK 35 million, NETS director, Bo Nilsson, to be paid DKK 600 million on his share program (many say, their knew, illegal Insider trading and greed). EQT director, warns against inflated stock listings like in NETS A/S and OW Bunker... So, cashless society (blockchain fintech startups), major player in getting us all digital dependent towards the AI transhumanism algorithm. Next, we are able to 'connect' to everywhere, by our embedded chip in the hand or through the Nanotechnology-Based chip from vaccines and Vein matching.. Sound like the movie 'Minority report'... |

The march toward a cashless society has now moved from the theoretical to the phase of widespread adoption. This is primarily due to developments in the tech sector that now enable the easy use of biometric recognition systems, as well as the increasing acceptance from a public who is becoming familiar with turning themselves into a password for their personal devices.

Behind the scenes, governments and corporations have been building the political and economic enticements via the Better Than Cash Alliance to ensure that the world eventually gets “de-cashed.” We’re now witnessing the full roll-out of an architecture that has been in development for many years.

China’s high-tech KFC recently made headlines when it began testing facial recognition payments in its KPRO store. Cashless agenda denialists, however, could readily point to China’s authoritarian government to ease any fears about an impending technocratic takeover occurring in the (supposedly) more democratic West.

Well, today’s cashless agenda news does come from the West, and it’s a world’s first. As reported by The Telegraph, London’s Costcutter supermarket has announced that its shoppers can now pay by finger vein scan....[READ MORE]