Verdensalt | Dec 1, 2017 | Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Sinkholes, Sonic Booms, Bible Prophecy Signs in the Sky, Tsunami, Flooding and Wildfires All In One - What The Heck Is Going On? | Blogger: -- Urgent need to address long-term health effects of extreme weather | -- Cyclone Ockhi: Bad weather restrains IAF rescue operations | -- Experts discuss warning signs of eruption at Yellowstone super volcano | -- Bali volcano in CRITICAL PHASE: Mount Agung one-third full of red hot lava | -- Heavy rainfall floods Hawaii, early season snowfall at volcanic peaks | -- Very rare East Coast Earthquake — M5.1 (M4.4) strikes Delaware – Maryland – DC area | -- What caused the loud boom that shook York County? | -- An extreme weather pattern is about to envelop the Northern Hemisphere . The stage is set for a dramatic change in the weather pattern across the Northern Hemisphere during the next seven to 10 days. That change will likely bring a brutal Arctic blast across the Midwest and eastern U.S., put Western Europe into the deep freeze, and maintain an area of extreme cold in eastern Asia.... |