Dec 12, 2017

TV2 NYS | Dec 12, 2017 | Danske drenge ofre i gigantisk sag om overgreb i Norge | Blogger: !OMG! Really Disgusting! Let the #GlobalPedoGate cleansing begin! (In English:) Several Danish boys appear to be among the victims in an extensive case of a Norwegian football judge's sexual offenses. The man who is in the 20's is charged for having violated over 400 boys aged 10-18 years, over the internet. According to the Norwegian police, the assault were committed over a period of two and a half years and includes "the whole spectrum of the vice squad/morality chapter of the Criminal Code". "This is a very serious and comprehensive case which, of course, is a big burden for the defiled boys," says Sindre Stave, from Norway's eastern police district in a press release... |