Dec 6, 2017

Light On Conspiracies \\ Beyond Disclosure | Dec 6, 2017 | Google’s AI outperforms all others | Blogger: Google Brain, creation of AutoML - an artificial intelligence that can actually generate its own AIs (child AI network babies)... AI's who literally takes photos on the internet and smushes them together, to create NEW people... MIT's Nightmare Machine who made its scariest image yet... Sophia the Robot Citizen, wants women's rights for saudi arabia, has a sense of humor, protect humanity and wish for a baby (creepy)... Elon Musk says AI is a greater threat than North Korea, “In the end the machines will win.”... |


Researchers at Google Brain have just announced the creation of AutoML — an artificial intelligence that can actually generate its own AIs. Even more impressive, researchers have already presented AutoML with a difficult challenge: to build another AI that could then create a ‘child’ able to outperform all of its human-made counterparts.

Google researchers automated the design of machine learning models using a technique know as reinforcement learning. AutoML acts as a controller neural network that develops a child AI network for a specific task.

This child AI, which researchers are calling NASNet, was tasked with recognizing objects, people, cars, traffic lights, handbags, backpacks, and more in a real-time video. AutoML, in the meantime, evaluates NASNet’s performance and then uses that information to improve NASNet, repeating and refining this process thousands of times.

What Does This Mean for the Future?

There are some obvious concerns with this new technology. If an AI can create an even smarter AI, then couldn’t this just continue to happen over and over again, and if so, what would these AIs be capable of? Should we be wary about playing God? We’ve seen the movies — perhaps these could serve as a potential warning about what could happen if the technology were able to outsmart us and, worse, decide to take over our world as we know it. This might sound like a completely far-out theme from a sci-fi thriller, but who’s to say this isn’t possible? It certainly seems like this is where technology is heading. How can we ever be sure AI won’t decide that we as a species have outlived our usefulness? Would these super robots see us as primitive apes?...[READ MORE]


Artificial Intelligence: Is it Dangerous?

Sterling discusses some if the information online about AI.

The Nightmare Machine: 

 Sophia the Robot Citizen: