Oct 22, 2017

Verdensalt | 22. Oktober 2017 | The Alternative News You’re Not Supposed to Know ~ Denmark and abroad | George Orwell — 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.' - 10 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know ⧫ It is nearly impossible to pay off the national debt ⧫ There is no underlying thing backing money (it’s all an illusion) ⧫ How to live off the grid ⧫ Planned obsolescence ⧫ Civil asset forfeiture ⧫ The US imprisons more of its population than any other country (and profits off it) ⧫ Forced taxation is theft ⧫ You’re not “allowed” to be stateless, but you can be ⧫ The police are NOT legally obligated to protect you ⧫ We live in an oligarchic plutocracy disguised as a democratic republic ... |

  • Orwell start in Danmark - Minister will let high schools browse students' private computers. Det kan være i strid med Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonvention, siger eksperter. Også Venstres ordfører er kritisk ~ Information
  • Først fjerner man lige så langsomt kontanterne – så øger man overvågningen af elektroniske overførsler - Mange politikere har en våd drøm om fuldstændig kontrol med borgerne ~ Folkets
  • 10 Things You’re Not Supposed to Know ~ SITSSHOW
  • We’re dying slowly’: Hunger strike of rejected Denmark asylum seekers into 2nd week ~ RT
  • Swedish Politicians Propose Deploying Military in No-Go Zones ~ Breibart
  • Skibskandale udstiller alarmerende svigt i FE og Forsvarsministeriet - Nordkoreanske tvangsarbejdere har været med til at bygge det danske inspektionsfartøj ”Lauge Koch” - Danske skattekroner er med til at finansiere Nordkoreas atomprogram gennem bygningen ~ olfi
  • Luftforurening kan gøre babyer ældre, allerede inden de er født - København har alarmerende høj luftforurening ~ kristeligt-dagblad
  • Älskarinnan: Lee Harvey Oswald sköt inte John F. Kennedy ~ Aftonbladet
  • Borgmester og affaldstop tog konerne med på Michelin-restaurant – på skatteydernes regning ~ Journalista
  • Russian ambassador: Danish politicians spread lies - while Denmark to train NATO soldiers to combat Russian misinformation and hires hundreds of russian military translators ~ voanews
  • When George Bush Talks 'Conspiracy Theory', America Better Read Between His Lines! It's Long Been Warned, Should The 'Elite' Have To Face 'Justice', They'd Launch The 'Final False Flag' - Former President Shows His True Colors, RED, By Slamming President Trump And His Supporters ~ allnewspipeline
  • Washington’s economic war against Russian gas supplies to Europe unacceptable - Gerhard Schroeder ~ RT
  • Banken HSBC, der er involveret i dusinvis af skandaler, er i retten i USA for at snyde en storkunde ~ Avisen
  • Germany: Full Censorship Now Official
    • Germany has made no secret of its desire to see its new law copied by the rest of the EU
    • When employees of social media companies are appointed as the state's private thought police and given the power to shape the form of current political and cultural discourse by deciding who shall be allowed to speak and what to say, and who shall be shut down, free speech becomes nothing more than a fairy tale. Or is that perhaps the point?
    • Perhaps fighting "Islamophobia" is now a higher priority than fighting terrorism? ~ gatestoneinstitute
  • Ophelia creates biggest waves ever recorded in Ireland video - 17.81 m (58.4 feet)! That’s the height of a wave measured off Ireland! And this is now the biggest individual wave ever recorded off the Irish coast ~ Strange Sounds
  • 'I'm done': Priscilla Presley, 72, becomes the latest celebrity to quit Scientology, 40 years after joining religious sect when Elvis died. Scientology was created by author L. Ron Hubbard in 1955, and despite the constant criticism of the movement, for example, members are brainwashed to pay money to the church, succeeded in attracting some of Hollywood's most famous names. Thus, not least Tom Cruise and John Travolta are prominent members ~ Daily Mail 
  • Historiker i barsk angreb på DR-serie: 'Det er usandt!' ~ BT
  • New Zealand’s new prime minister calls capitalism a ‘blatant failure’ - 'If you have hundreds of thousands of children living in homes without enough to survive, that's a blatant failure. What else could you describe it as?' ~ Independent
  • Russia Triples Gold Reserves In Preparation For Full-Scale Economic War With The United States ~ Activistpost