Oct 2, 2017

TV2 News | 1. Oktober 2017 | Skatteministeren: Den schweiziske regering bør skamme sig | In English: Shame on the Swiss government - The tax minister will now convene the Swiss ambassador for a conversation about why the country will not help recovering, Danish tax debt | Blogger: World biggest tax havens and money financial center must be ashamed, because Denmark, as the miniature LEGO state, has spoken. Karsten Lauritzen brush off ALL the scandals. It is evidence of talent and politically tolerated that the long-standing series of shitstorms in The Danish Ministry of Taxation apparently reflects on the reputation of Tax Minister, Karsten Lauritzen... | Switzerland remains high atop the list of preferred tax havens due to its low taxation of foreign corporations and individuals. Although Switzerland is no longer a place to “hide” money due to pressure from the United States and the European Union (EU), it still offers the wealthy some benefits for living and keeping their money there. Recent studies show that as much as $2.5 trillion in wealth is held within Switzerland’s borders. Why is Switzerland considered a tax haven?. Contrary to popular opinion, Switzerland does not allow foreign individuals to live and bank in its borders tax free. However, wealthy individuals can pay a low, lump-sum option on the money they bank inside the country, and the government considers their taxes paid. To simplify matters, the government bases the amount of tax foreigners owe on five times their monthly rent. The country also taxes households, rather than individuals, and this simplifies, and sometimes lowers, taxation for wealthy couples. For the wealthy, this level of low taxation is viewed as an unparalleled benefit of living in Switzerland. It is important to note that these tax benefits are not available to individuals who relocate to Switzerland for employment purposes. Foreign corporations have plenty of reasons to set up offices in Switzerland. Approximately 30% of Fortune 500 companies have operations in the country. The national government offers significant tax breaks to companies that hold 20% shares of other corporations. Specifically, the government reduces the amount of taxes a corporation owes on profit based on the number of shares it owns. In Switzerland, cantons are similar to states, and cantons levy no taxes on holding corporations. As such, shell corporations often set up operations in Switzerland to take advantage of low or no taxation... |

Skatteminister Karsten Lauritzen (V) vil kalde den schweiziske ambassadør til samtale. Foto: TV 2 / TV 2
LÆS VIDERE: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/samfund/2017-10-01-skatteministeren-den-schweiziske-regering-boer-skamme-sig
