Oct 16, 2017

RT - Russia Today | Oct 16, 2017 | Poland says no thanks to $9.2bn credit line from IMF | Blogger: Oh No, What We Gonna Do... POLAND poses a bigger threat to the European Union (EU) than Brexit, a senior eurocrat warned as Warsaw remains locked in a bitter dispute with Brussels over its governance.. So EU tries to bribe Poland, but has fiercely declined IMF which is a henchman to EU/NATO/Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters (KM). That's my take on the matter.. Don't forget, EU powerelites puppets are losing ground, the 'dark deep state' in Spain has plans to jail or completely 'wipe out' Carls Puidgemont, president of Catalonia and the Catalan leaders, if they makes ANY attempt to flush a new batch of freedom fighters like the latest 350,000 protesters, supporting independence (CNBC - Spain gives Catalonia final ultimatum and moves closer to 'nuclear option'). EU has never in their lifespan been so afraid of the 'revolution'.. Please remember, with Poland as EU's enemy and rebellion in Catalonia, next step, there are actually 7 other places in Europe where they also talk about detachment or piracy - The Danish Empire (Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland) - Spain (Basque Country, Catalonia) - Northern Italy (Padania) - Belgium (Flanders) - UK (Scotland) - Ukraine (People's Republic of Luhansk and Donetsk) and more... Expect a new False Flag to take place in Poland or another european country capital.. The youth wing of Britain’s main opposition party, has passed a motion describing the head of NATO as a “fascist.”.. Please remember, former PM Jens Stoltenberg who's allowed the Utøya island attack in 2011 to happen (which were a False Flag), sending tens of thousands of soldiers to play wargames near Russia borders, just for fun!. TheDeepState power elites takes care of their own... |

: Rezygnujemy z $9,2mld linii kredytowej Polska gospodarka jest w tak dobrej sytuacji, że możemy to zrobić. @IMFNews
READ MORE: https://www.rt.com/business/406827-poland-rejects-imf-cash/