Oct 14, 2017

Dr. Michael Salla Update | Oct 13, 2017 | Illegal Military Research and Development in Antarctica | Blogger: Project Iceworm/Camp Century var kodenavnet på den amerikanske hærs tophemmelig program under den kolde krig. Formålet var at opbygge og teste et netværk af mobile atommissil-baser under indlandsisen på Grønland og på Arktis. Den amerikanske hær nåede at bygge to baser i Nordvestgrønland og den gamle base Bluie East 2, henholdsvis i 1947 og 1967. Selvom det lyder som ren fantasi, fortæller Dr. Michael Salla og Gorey Goode os nu, at disse typer installationer er en tro kopi af hvad man byggede på Mars og Månens bagside, tilbage i 1930'erne (hvis man tror på den slags). Her står mange af toget, af gode grunde, tænk nu, hvis de amerikansk-ledet baser på Grønland, bistod som prøveklud for hvordan man kunne fremstille fremtidige baseopbygninger på ufremkommelige steder. Dette projekt blev ikke kun anvendt som ICBM baser, men også et tæt samarbejde om at bygge forsknings- og udviklingsbaser i Antarktis for både et forsvar samt det militær-industrielle kompleks. Disse baseenheder var simpelthen sat i verden, for at udnytte knowhow til udvikling af meget uetiske og ulovlige operationer. Som også Dr. Michael Salla siger, atomvåben blev faktisk installeret i disse polar missilsiloer. De ICBM'er, der i øjeblikket er udstationeret, har ikke atomsprænghoveder, men er 'kinetic weapons' svarende til Rods from God. Hver krigshoved bærer op til 3 'kinetic projektiler'... |

By Michael Salla, Ph.D. and Corey Goode

The U.S. military industrial complex has been conducting military research and development in Antarctica that grossly violates the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, according to secret space program insider Corey Goode. In previous updates he has described his two visits to Antarctica and the secret excavations occurring with an ancient civilization buried under the ice sheets.

Recently, scientists have confirmed the existence of networks of thermally heated caverns under the West Antarctic ice sheets and have speculated on the kind of life that could be supported there. These scientific announcements help corroborate Corey’s claims of extensive underground facilities that contain space ports, and are conducting military research and development there.

In this latest series of questions and answers, Corey describes the history of these Antarctica Treaty violations and how it began with a merging of the US military industrial complex with a German secret space program established in Antarctica during WWII.

Significantly, he refers for the first time to secret space ports and elite facilities built in Argentina and Brazil, which were first established as part of the German space program. These are now part of a corporate run space program he describes as the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC).

Most disturbing is Corey’s reference to the human rights abuses occurring in Antarctica under the illegal military research and development there by the U.S. military industrial complex, which is controlled by the ICC. He identifies Argentina and Mexico as additional locations where such abuses are occurring.


MS – Michael Salla

CG – Corey Goode

Questions for Corey Goode on Antarctica

MS – You say that Project Iceworm was a means for the US military to secretly place weapons systems in Antarctica. Were nuclear weapons included among the weapons eventually taken to Antarctica?

CG – Project Iceworm was originally developed to house ICBM bases in strategic regions across the Arctic and Antarctic. This project was also coopted to build research and development bases in the Antarctic for both military and military industrial complex entities to utilize for the development of highly unethical and illegal operations.....[READ MORE]