Sep 29, 2017

TV2 News // | Sep 29, 2017 | Armed military to replace cops on Danish streets and border in peacetime - not seen since 1931 | Blogger: You can believe what you want, my take on the matter; The governmental body forgot to mention, the armed soldiers from the Danish Armed Forces (Forsvaret) has been assigned to protect the Zionists, Jews & Israel state. Second prio will be to protect 'the deep state' and 'the establishment', from public uprising, when "We the People" finally figure out all their secrets which has been hidden from us.. This is the same 'militarized operation template' used in the western hemisphere, all which countries, that has or had a 'Fake Terror incident'. I'm just telling you how it is... |

Soldiers on the street in Copenhagen - almost 90 years ago and today. Photo: Scanpix / Nakskov Local History Archive