Sep 3, 2017

Larry King Now | Nikolaj Coster-Waldau | Sept 3, 2017 CET | Blogger: Third on Top 10 of Most Famous Danes -- GOT Jaime Lannister. My favorite actor is Aragorn II, son of Arathorn - The Lord of the Rings (Viggo Mortensen). Nikolaj Coster-Waldau looove the american presidency, but not 'Trump', so he says.. How is Donald Trump viewed in Denmark? The closest Denmark comes to Trumpism is the program of the anti-immigrant Dansk Folkeparti (Danish People’s Party), which finished second in the most recent election. USA is dominating Danish foreign policy to the extent, where political opponents have accused various Danish governments of reducing Denmark to a USA led puppet state. Bit of an exaggeration, but USA is an elephant and Denmark the Mouse frantically trying to be both heard and avoid getting trampled on. Denmark is like a miniature LEGO state - too small to be high-profile client for The Khazarian Mafia - too proud to admit it's unhealthy progressive warring nation - too arrogant and naive, apparently trusting, that Hillary Clinton, could rule the world. The old danish colonial empire most understand, it's time to get a deep spiritual cleansing, if we're going to survive after the big EVENT... |


Nikolaj coster Waldau- Danish Television VS. Game of Thrones 

('Live from Bremen'- most popular satirical sketch show -unfiltered - Please note - Rated R )