Sep 3, 2017

Daily Mail | Sept 3, 2017 | 'Perfect success': North Korea detonates a HYDROGEN bomb designed for a ballistic missile as Kim's regime celebrates its most powerful nuclear test ever after causing 6.3 magnitude quake | The SUN: GLOBAL THREAT. Why World War 3 could happen in 2017 – threats from North Korea, Syria, Putin and Isis are worse than during the Cold War... |

The earthquake came after North Korea claimed it had developed a more advanced nuclear weapon. Photos released on Sunday show the country's leader Kim Jong-un inspecting a hydrogen bomb

  • North Korea detonates hydrogen bomb sparking powerful 6.3 magnitude quake 
  • Terrifying tremor detected in northeast where the Punggye-ri test site is located
  • Blast directly ordered by Kim Jong-Un and was large enough to destroy a city
  • South Korea pledges to deploy most powerful US tactical weapons in response
  • It comes hours after regime said it developed more advanced nuclear weapon 

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