Aug 22, 2017

Disclosure News Italy // COBRA | Aug 21, 20178 | 🙇 Critical Mass Reached 🙌 | Message from the Pleiadians | Blogger: Victory of the Light!!! Wooooow! We have reached the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation!. According to my own calculations, taken from the 'Russian Space Observing System' (Данные комплексного мониторинга в г.Томске) indicates, that we got a huuuuuge peak. At least peak of 20 Hz.. Take a look at these charts.. RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz -- Earth And Schumann Resonances.. However, to be absolutely sure, please follow COBRA and many other sources... |

Critical Mass Reached Message of the Pleiadians. By Gabriel RL .

Critical mass reached! With this, large cracks occurred in the veil. Not only cracks, but significant holes.

And through these holes more ships of the Galactic Federation could get closer to the surface thanks also to the destruction of the Chimera Group's devices of detection of the Federation ships approaching and as a result they carried out reprisals.

The critical mass reached has ensured the formation of an immense Vortex of Pink Light that has swept the whole planet and radiated throughout the Solar System.

The vibration of the unit achieved by the dedication of earthly souls determined and with great love has caused that vibration to reach the 13th dimension by finally drawing the eyes of the CENTRALI and the total support to the desire of the united humanity to get its leap.

The Yaldabaoth entity has been drastically struck by a crystalline wave, thus reducing halfway , say, the time, until the event of the planned event .

Consequently, on the surface of the planet there will be more arrests of those who still supported the old energy: the media dominated by the old order.

Many of these media will begin to change their information because they will begin to understand the importance of good news and how it affects everything.

It is also giving greater opportunities to the twin souls to meet, thanks to the great ability they now have, to transmutate their emotional issues, their negative debris that prevents their approach and final unity.

Additional information will be provided through various means, confirming the information unit.

Note: A Pleiadian was in the room next to the group at meditation. It was Ala-i.

Love and blessings,

Gabriel Raio Lunar


Level of electromagnetic background

Dependencies on local time of the electromagnetic background level in the range up to 30 MHz in decibels.  
Local time is expressed in hours of Tomsk Summer Decree (TLDV). TLDA = UTC + 7 hours.

Schumann resonances

At 10:00 UTC Peak > 20 Hz
At 14:00 UTC Peak > 20 Hz

The card is based on Tomsk time - Russia - UTC +7


COBRA -- Unity Meditation Preliminary Report

We have reached the critical mass!

I will release a full report in a few days, and it will contain very good news.

Victory of the Light!