Jun 1, 2017

NordJyske | 1. Juni 2017 | Enorm pædofilisag ryster Norge | 84 personer er mistænkt for at være del af en pædofiliring, der har bestilt og delt billeder og video af seksuelle overgreb på børn ned til spædbørnsalderen | Blogger. Har allerede haft denne sag på bloggen, men det er bare så vigtigt et emne, som skal slås hårdt ned på...|

Mindst 300 børn er blevet udsat for grove seksuelle overgreb.


Police in Norway have arrested 20 people they say belong to a huge pedophile ring involving an estimated 51 people (Blogger: Pedophilia Epidemic... Denmark has a unprecedented numbers of sexual assults within our local danish municipality and our highest ranking political authority try to coverup these events from innocent children at risk at: Residential institutions and family home- child’s habitual residence, orphanage, asylum centers (Børnecenter Tullebølle), boarding schools (Odsherred), communiy schools as well as private and independent schools, just to take some examples, never seen before!!! What the bloody h... is the matter with these adult teacher and authority figures? Is it Control? Dominance? Submission? Adults who experienced sexual abuse as a child?... Anyways, these following headlines makes me sick and not show'n up on my site anymore, that was a pledge i've committed to, since 'Spirit Cooking', '#PizzaGate' "pay-for-play". I'm waiting until REAL arests that matters, happen... Adults can do what they please, even unsound sexual behaviour towards another adult, what do I care, when it comes to child sexual abuse, child bondage, child sex trafficking operations, even unborn babies are 'marked' as victims and satanic ritual murders, we need to drawn a line in the sand. There's soooo much evidence out there, it's not only “Mr. and Mrs. Howard” anymore, we're are dealing with real dangerous pedofile-psychotic-looney-tunes, seems to me the hole celeb and elite "establisment' are involved, pedophile rings may literally bring down our governments!! NO arrest yet and not so much MSM news coverage either...We need ACTION! .. : "The Bill Cosby sexual abuse claims – 57 women and the dates they went public"... 'BBC staff ignored up to 1,000 attacks on children by predatory Jimmy Savile"... "Man 'admits spearheading Scandinavian paedophile ring on dark net' - Danish police say they extracted 56,594 images of child pornography and 3,174 videos from the man's computers"... "An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members, identified 670 suspects and 230 abused children in 30 countries had been taken to safety"... "Hollywood's Pedophilia Epidemic Exposed in 'An Open Secret'"... "Satanic rituals HAMPSTEAD CASE cover up UK Pedophile Ring"... "Hillary Clinton "Spirit Cooking" Satanic Ritual"... "#PizzaGate the Documentary, Pedophilia involving Podesta Emails"..)