Jun 12, 2017

Divine Frequency | June 11, 2017 | "Dark Journalist" Daniel Liszt AKA Daniel M. Robillard Exposed - FAKE NEWS! (First of Series) | Blogger: Smear campaign is beginning to spin out of control!!!. Every spiritual individuals who is close to Corey Goode and David Wilcock has been targeted and hit hard. TheDeepState trying do everything they can to close down, ridicule and breakdown on internet articles/videos referring to Secret Space Program and UFO communities... |

We are currently in the throes of a smear campaign to take down Corey Goode, and anyone associated with him (particularly Roger Richards, Justin Deschamps, Jordan Sather, and Teresa Yanaros-myself).

Does this coordinated attack have something to do with the book project making a case for the Secret Space Program? Could it be that the "powers that be/were" are trying to crush the momentum of this project? If this is true, then it seems to me that the FDP is headed in the right direction. Let's keep uncovering the truth, and remain vigilant.

An allegation has been made in the last 48 hours that I was involved in a satanic cult ritual at Contact in the Desert. This is a complete fabrication. It's not true.