Mar 5, 2017

Stillness In The Storm | Source: The Free Thought Project | Declassified Docs Show CIA Not Only Attended But Spied on Bilderberg for Years | Blogger: I min bog, er der ikke noget som hedder tilfældigheder og sammenfald.. Af tidligere danske deltagere (magteliten) gennem årene som springer i mine øjne er bl.a. 2 personer: Anders Eldrup som var medlem af styrekomiteen i Bilderberg. Tidligere departementschef i Finansministeriet samt tidligere administrende direktør i DONG Energy. Tøger Seidenfaden, tidl. chefredaktør ved Politiken og medlem af styrekomiteen i Bilderberggruppen (fra 2005 i Trilateral Commission). Begge, har siddet i øverste styregruppe i Bilderberg gruppen, deltaget over 10 gange, ifølge wikipedia. Måske begynder man at forstå den sammenkobling mellem de øverste sande ledere af planeten Jorden, den såkaldte “skyggeregering” (nogen siger delvis styret af udenomjordiske indflydelse). Hertil kommer alle deres håndlangere: Øverste illuminati familie - Rothschild familien, Rockefeller som udgør familiedynastier, af de 13 mest magtfulde blodlinier i verden. Længere nede kommer iblandt mange, GoLDMaN SLaCKS, som har fået til opgave at eksponere og udnytte: VL-grupperne | Dansk Selskab for Virksomhedsledelse, Den danske statsmagt, Det danske realkreditsystem, Nationalbanken og Pengepolitiken.. Vi må ikke være naive og tro, at det kun er sikkerhedspolitisk, flygtningekriser, europæiske økonomiske model, miljøproblemer, eller hvad der nu er 'hot stuff' i de førende aviser, som bliver diskuteret.. Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Jens Otto Krag, Mogens Lykketoft, Prinsgemalen, Anders Fogh Rasmussen har også været på Bilderberg, en del gange.. Listen af danske samt skandinaviske deltagere er anelang.. Andre deltagere på listen er: Dronning Beatrix af Holland, Carl Bildt, Olof Palme, Kronprins Haakon, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger, verdensbankchefer, EU-kommisærer, finansfyrster, prinser m.fl.. Kan godt forstå når Folkets avis påberåber sig lidt pli og dannelse og moral, eller mangel på samme: ".. Du er et totalitært fjols med storhedsvanvid, Mogens Lykketoft.. ".. Svenske Carl Bildt med hans helt vanvittige Trump tweets, nærmest iscenesættelse dramaqueen eller Kronprins Haakon mange skandaler, som forstår at trylle med kongehusets midler.. Ligesom Magtens atlas - kort over netværk i Danmark, vedlægger jeg et verdenskort over Bilderberg, CIA, Danish Intelligence Service (DDIS), Trilateral Commission, Finansfysterne, Oligarkerne, Politiske Institutioner, Kongehusene, Verdens Ledere, militær/medicin-industrielle kompleks, MSM medierne, fødevareindustrien og for ikke at forglemme, de fem verdensreligioner - alt er sammenkoblet med hinanden (NNDB Mapper).. ".. We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.." ~ Rothschild |

(John Vibes) A conference known as the Bilderberg meeting has developed an interesting reputation over the past half-century, with millions of people around the world suspecting that global events like wars and financial policy shifts are planned at this annual event. When this meeting is brought up in mainstream circles, it is often disregarded as “conspiracy theory” but there has been significant evidence compiled by independent journalists over the event’s long history.

Related History of The Bilderberg Group: Founded by A Nazi And Continuing The Agenda of The Nazis

Source - The Free Thought Project

by John Vibes, March 3rd, 2017

Many people don’t trust independent researchers because they have a bias towards the mainstream media, but perhaps they will be more inclined to take a declassified report from the CIA. According to declassified documents unveiled by the agency, the CIA has had its eye on the Bilderberg group since just before its first meeting on May 21, 1954.

Michael Best of Muckrock recently poured through the CREST archives for references to Bilderberg and found a few interesting documents that point to the CIA’s interest in the Bilderberg meetings. One thing that is not exactly clear is the motive that the CIA had for documenting these meetings, especially considering the fact that the CIA director at the time Allen Dulles, was an associate of the Rockefeller dynasty, who was mentioned by names in these documents. Also, many conference attendees over the years have actually been employed by the CIA. In the recently surfaced documents, the name Paul Nitze is mentioned as a member of the first Bilderberg conference, and just years later he was hired by the agency.

Four years after the first conference took place, one member of the Bilderberg group actually reached out to Dulles personally to inform him about the meetings. In May of 1958, Joseph Johnson of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Bilderberg Steering Committee sent Dulles a summary of the issues discussed at Bilderberg. Of course, these summaries were not released to the public, but the letters about the summaries were released, which at least give proof of the existence of Bilderberg, although it does not give details of what takes place inside.

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Click to enlarge below image.

The next year, Johnson wrote Dulles again about the Bilderberg group, but this time, it was to discuss his own invitation, confirming that long-time CIA director Allen Dulles was himself involved in the secretive meeting.

Click to enlarge below image.

Dulles wrote back saying that although he was not able to attend this year, that he had hoped to in the future.

Although these documents only give a glimpse into the agency’s relationship with the Bilderberg group, it does show a clear connection and friendly relations between the two. Several more mentions of Bilderberg appear in the agency’s records, but most of these mentions are in reference to appearances made by CIA agents and US presidents.

These documents are groundbreaking because for so long the US government and mainstream media have denied that these meetings even existed, and now it is proven that at least one agency and multiple presidents had knowledge of these events.