Mar 19, 2017

RT News | Mar 18, 2017 | NASA unveils incredible high-def image of layered Martian crater |

NASA has released an incredible high-definition image of the intricate layers of a Martian valley, providing further evidence of a once-flooded red planet.

Uzboi Vallis is situated in the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle (MC-19) region on Mars, believed to have been formed by water that once existed on the planet.

The dramatic layers of rust-hued rock likely formed when the valley’s drainage was blocked by a large impact that hollowed out the planet’s Holden Crater.

Over time, the valley’s water level rose high enough to flow out over the top of the crater and drained the lake, eroding the layered deposits in the process. However, some layers were strong enough to withstand the erosion and remain intact today.....[READ MORE]