Feb 21, 2017

David Icke Update: Traffic 2 - Exposé Of The UK Child Protection System Social Services (HD) (Blogger: Mange vil måske spørge sig selv om, hvorfor jeg i stor stil, blogger om menneskehandel der indbefatter trafficking, sexslaveri, tvangs- prostitution, pædofili, sataniske ritualer og det, der er meget værre. Det er på det bestemste, ikke noget jeg bifalder, desværre en samfundsdefekt, i hele verden. Den manglende stenge overholdelse af konventionen eller etiketten hos mennesker, er væk. Årsagen til menneskehedens elendighed er, at vi lader os styre af vores umiddelbare impulser. Sex, magelighed og magt trækker mere end fællesskabet med vores medmennesker. Vi lader os nøje med disse overfladiske følelser og nydelser, og gør os ikke den ulejlighed at overveje, hvad vi i virkeligheden har behov for, og hvordan disse behov lader sig forene med omverdenens behov. I stedet burde vi lære at tilsidesætte vores følelser og lade fornuften være styrende for vores handlinger. Vi kan ikke komme ud om, at magtsygens 'underworld' bestemmer begivenhederne, med kontrol og penge. Sex skandaler fra religioner, politikere, magteliten til sports-foreninger holder alle i skak, indtil de bliver opdaget. De aller øverste lag fra en dysfunktionel samfundsorden, beskytter os, men ikke længere. Kan bedst beskrives som ekstrem ritual misbrug, tankekontrol, manipulation og de sexual dyriske reflekser. Budskabet er dog sole klar. Lad os for stoppet det i toppen af pyramiden og inkorporeret moderne evolutionspsykologi. Om et liv i overensstemmelse med naturen som vejen til lykke. Respekt for vores medmennesker og vores frie valg til at leve, uden overgreb, uden at endorfiner og lignende som adfærdsregulerende belønningsmekanismer, gør os alle til sexgale individer...)

Pete Middleton Pictures have travelled up and down the UK since 2012, uncovering the corruption within the child protection system. We have spoken to many families that have fallen foul of Social Workers through lies and false reports submitted to the family courts that have led to the removal of their child/ren. Some families have suffered more and are left with the trauma of their child dying in foster care.

Social Services covering up their mistakes and seeming to protect those that have failed to safeguard the child. We have touched upon foster carers that face no charges for killing innocent children, Social Workers that are farming out children to establishment paedophiles rings, Judges stamping care orders as they sit as Directors on adoption agencies, the list goes on. We intend to change all that to the best of our ability, taking back what is rightfully ours. Let this Country know that we will no longer tolerate this totalitarian and barbaric system that they call Child Protection. If you would like assistance, have any questions or you would like to take part in Traffic 3 (scheduled for 2018), you can contact the team below by clicking their photos.

We will listen and offer you the best advice possible. It will of course be up to you to follow that advice and maybe then you will secure the return of your child/ren, back to where they rightfully belong. We can offer people to support you in Court, such as Mackenzie friends. They will tell you what you need to file and how to launch an appeal, tell you what laws you have on your side and so much more.

Under no circumstance do we divulge any information to third parties without your prior consent. All emails are handled with professionalism and in the strictest of confidence to protect your identity and finally we do not charge a penny for the assistance that we offer. We will not send you bills or make demands for payment and if any member does, please inform us and they will be removed from the team.

What have you got to lose?