Feb 14, 2017

After Years of Research, Big Pharma Finally Shows Evidence Cannabis Kills Cancer | Cannabis May Soon be Used in Stroke and Cardiac Emergencies | Switching From Smoking to Vaping Decreases Carcinogens by Almost 98 Percent (Blogger: Tre artikler som får den danske medicinalindustri til at s... grønne grise. Cannabis (hash, marihuana, skunk og lignende stoffer) er kommet for at blive og Danmark kan ikke længere ignorere fakta. Jeg spår, vi snarligt vil se et USA med Trump i spidsen, udrulle et dekret, som total legalisere Cannabis i alle 50 stater, a la Holland. Alle lande bliver ved med at snakke om at eksperimenterer med lovlig hash, legaliseret cannabis til eget forbrug osv. Danmark kan intet stille op, når de store kanoner gør sig klar. Når vi har slået den giga-store kræftindustri ihjel med Cannabis, går turen til insulinmarkedet og så, tobaksindustrien. Vidste du, inden tobaksindustrien tilførte tusindvis af skadelige kemikalier og vanestoffer i cigaretter, blev tobak anvendt medicinsk i tusinder af år? En ny undersøgelse viser, hvordan inhalering af damp har reduceret kræftfremkaldende stoffer med næsten 98 procent i tidligere rygere, der udskiftede deres konventionelle cigaret vaner til E-damp..)

After Years of Research, Big Pharma Finally Shows Evidence Cannabis Kills Cancer

thefreethoughtproject.com - February 11, 2017 

In April 2015 the National Institute of Drug Abuse acknowledged that cannabis kills cancer cells and dramatically reduces the growth of new brain cancer cells. This was a startling admission, considering that federal government’s position on cannabis retains it as a Schedule 1 drug with “no medical benefit.”
Research has continued despite this roadblock, and now the pharmaceutical industry might actually help overcome government’s stubbornness about cannabis as medicine.

British company GW Pharmaceuticals has been testing cannabis extracts for the past few years, and now has clinical evidence that certain formulations reduce the mortality rate of people with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a form of brain cancer that typically kills patients within two years. Results of the ‘phase 2 proof of concept study’ were announced Feb. 7.

Combined with temozolomide, the current medication used to treat GBM, patients’ median survival was more than 550 days, compared to 369 days without the cannabis treatment. The CBD (cannabidiol)-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) treatment helped produced an 83 percent one-year survival rate, compared with 53 percent for non-cannabis patients....
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Cannabis May Soon be Used in Stroke and Cardiac Emergencies

“Increasing evidence indicates that CBD is a molecule with potentially neuroprotective properties that can be used to treat neurodegenerative disorders,”

Source: Cannabis May Soon be Used in Stroke and Cardiac Emergencies | Humans Are Free
With permission from humansarefree.com

By Marco Torres / Reference: sciencedirect.com

Feb 12, 2017

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 active cannabinoids in cannabis. It accounts for 40 percent of the plant’s extract and widely considered to be one of it’s most powerful constituents that heals cells.

Emergency teams in cardiac and stroke units may one day use CBD’s neuroprotective effects to prevent the onset of debilitating symptoms developing from stroke and cardiac arrest.

The reason cannabis is so effective medicinally is directly related to its ability to interact with receptors in the body which inhibit inflammation and prevent disease.

Cannabis does this so well, that few drugs can compete with its level of potency which come essentially with no side effects.

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Switching From Smoking to Vaping Decreases Carcinogens by Almost 98 Percent

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST

The history of tobacco use has been plagued with misinformation in both scientific literature and mainstream publications.

A large majority of studies that have cast a negative light on tobacco have examined cigarette smoke which contains thousands of harmful chemicals.

However, tobacco was used medicinally for thousands of years. A new study illustrates how vaping has been shown to reduce carcinogens by almost 98 percent in former smokers who dropped their cigarette habit and switched to vaporizers.

Tobacco is an annual plant belonging to the eggplant family. It's cultivation can be traced back earlier over 8000 years ago. It enjoyed widespread medicinal use from the beginning of the 16th century to the end of the 19th century.

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