Jan 17, 2017

Comet Honda/Solar Eruptions (Blogger: Solvind - består af ladede partiker. Ud over udsendelsen af lys udsender solen således også en strøm af partikler der kaldes solvinden. Solens magnetfelt bæres af solvinden, som hermed skaber et kæmpemæssigt dråbeformet område omkring solen. Dette område kaldes heliosfæren, og er i sin form og sine egenskaber påvirket af aktiviteten på solens overflade..)

CHANCE OF STORMS THIS WEEK: NOAA forecasters say there is 70% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Jan. 18th when a fast-moving stream of solar wind hits Earth's magnetic field. The Arctic light show, however, could begin even earlier. A co-rotating interaction region (CIR) just in front of the solar wind stream is expected to reach Earth during the late hours of Jan 17th. CIRs are transition zones between slow- and fast-moving solar wind. They contain density gradients and shock waves that often spark auroras. The incoming stream of solar wind is flowing from a large hole in the sun's atmosphere. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the structure directly facing Earth on Jan. 16th.. ")

Published on Jan 16, 2017
Update on Comet Honda and Current Solar Activity.
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