Jul 4, 2016

Did Labour MPs launch Corbyn coup to rescue Blair from war crimes charge? (Kædereaktion efter BREXIT - Coup d'état. David Cameron har meldt sin afgang, søgte væk for at undgå at blive historiens største politiske taber der trykkede på EU farvel-knappens - 'Artikel 50'. Så blev det Nigel Farage's tur. Efter hårdt pres fra højreorienterede Labours parlamentsmedlemmer, venter mange næste på scenen bliver Jeremy Corbyn grundet en frygt for, at anti-krigs lederen Corbyn vil anmode om en rigsretssag mod tidligere PM Tony Blair om Irak krigen. Hvis nu Corbyn forbliver og en rigsretssag bliver stadfæstet, så kommer turen ikke kun til Blair men også til Anders Fogh og nuværende Venstre-regering som desperat forsøger at dække over manden. Kædens næste led bliver tidligere præsident George W. Bush, både for 911 samt Irak krigen. 'Hitleray' Clinton og Bill Clinton ryger også snart ... og når alt det sker, maler jeg byen rød)

Blair laughed nervously, and talked of his “epitaph”. Bush urged the junior partner to have ...More news for Blair knew Iraq would be his epitaph
These were the words of David Cameron when he realised he had lost the EU referendum ...
Scottish MP Alex Salmond says the coup against Jeremy Corbyn was launched by a core of right-wing Labour MPs because they fear the .
Review: 'Bush,' a Biography as Scathing Indictment
New York Times‎ - 16 hours ago
For George W. Bush, the summer already looks unbearable. The party he gave his life to will ...More news for Review: ‘Bush,’ a Biography as Scathing Indictment

Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is over. The only question now is when – and how
The Independent‎ - 1 day ago
I think Jeremy Corbyn's leadership is over. The only question is how it ends. 

Nigel Farage is stepping down as leader of Ukip, saying he has done his bit for the cause of ... 

Jul 3, 2015 
A new document reveals that Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who was Prime Minister of Denmark in the period leading up to and during the Iraq war...
He quickly added, "Crooked Hillary Clinton knew that her husband wanted to meet with the ...