Dec 20, 2015

POWER OF BIG PHARMA!! The 'only' reliable European company that manufactured GcMAF had been shut down in July 2015 (Remember the anonymous & well-known alternative medicine/holistic doctors that has been reported missing or dead due to a coincidental discovery of the enzyme "Nagalase" which Inhibits the Power of GcMAF to fight Cancer and Autism...)

Blogger: Med al den forskning i diabetes og fremskridt inden for diabetes behandlinger, er det fristende at tænke nogen har sikkert fundet en diabetes kur nu. Men virkeligheden er, at der ikke er nogen kur mod diabetes - hverken type 1-diabetes eller type 2-diabetes. Hvad ville der ske, hvis det kom frem i lyset (ligesom det faktum, at Cannabis kurer Kræftceller), at vores hæderkronede firma - Novo Nordisk, (Novo som dækker verdens insulinmarked med 1,1 billion kroner) blev præsenteret for en naturlig/ kunstigt enzym som kurer på celleniveau eller Holistisk metode? Hvis nu de vidste, at den farmaceutiske industri hæmmer enzymet GcMAF for magt og profit? Ville det stoppe Novo som koncern, med at fremstille 'human insulin'(syntetisk insulin) og gå tilbage til 1920'ernes behandlingsform for ’animalsk insulin’(insulin fra bugspytkirtlen hos køer eller svin)? Er 'human insulin' (genmodificerede gærceller eller E. coli-bakterier) 100 pct uden bivirkninger? Vi kan vel være enige om, at det er et lægemiddel som er syntetisk fremstillet? Vi kan vel også sige, at diabetes tilfælde er eksploderet som en spirende epidemi de sidste 50 år, men dengang, fik børn slet ikke konstateret type 2-diabetes eller kroniske sygdomme, hvorfor? læs mere...

What is GcMAF? 

GcMAF is an essential human protein our bodies make that removes a number of diseases including cancer. All 5 billion healthy humans make their own GcMAF. If healthy we make around 10,000 cancer cells a day, but your GcMAF, which has six attacks on cancer, destroys them every day. In all GcMAF has 20 beneficial attacks on disease.

If you have a severe shock, such as losing your house or become weak, perhaps by catching pneumonia, that may give a disease the chance to send out an enzyme to prevent your body making its own GcMAF. If so, that stops the 20 known effects of GcMAF in the body including its six attacks on cancer; without GcMAF, your immune system also collapses, and the disease or cancer becomes chronic.

If external GcMAF is administered, most of the attacks on disease restart in minutes, and in three weeks one of the 20, your immune system, is rebuilt to above normal strength. GcMAF is, of course, without side effects.
Petition to disband the MHRA

To disband the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and its big pharma board of directors, which protects the old billion dollar monopolies of the big pharmaceuticals, and ruthlessly closes down effective, inexpensive scientific discoveries. Please sign this petition here Or visit

Lord Saatchi’s Bill is now moving through Parliament
The medical laws have been changed over the last 40 years so that all the brilliant breakthroughs in cancer are denied to the British public.
Lord Maurice Saatchi had to watch his wife die, while his doctor told him the only thing he was allowed to prescribe her was chemotherapy, which would shorten her life.
He hopes to bring the Medical Innovation Bill to Parliament, so instead of obeying a destructive government law, a doctor will be able to prescribe whatever treatment is best for the patient.

Bad law kills, and Britain has the worst medical laws in Europe. The 1939 Cancer Act makes it illegal to discuss the possibility cancer can be cured, which is partly why 160,000 people die unnecessarily of cancer in Britain every year. Science and treatments are decades ahead of where the medical industry is today. The MHRA’s job is to get life saving treatments like GcMAF out to people as quickly as possible. Instead they block them to protect billion dollar Big Pharma monopolies, who also fund the MHRA. Over a hundred thousand lives could be saved every year if the 1939 Cancer Act were repealed, and the MHRA were closed down.

NOTE: Apparently, the European company that manufactured GcMAF had been shut down in July 2015. Also, another coincidence is that many of the dead doctors were visited by U.S. government agency officials in the weeks prior to their deaths.

GcMAF is the body’s own internal medicine. ALL healthy people have it.

There are 180 eminent scientists who have published GcMAF research papers on the US National Library of Medicine alone