Dec 16, 2016

Revisiting NIST Malfeasance (Chris Sarns: ".. In this five-part series, I will expose and disprove NIST's false claims in five critically important areas: A: BURNED-OUT FIRE — The timing of the fire on Floor 12 exposes NIST's false claim that fire led to the collapse. B: MAGICAL THERMAL EXPANSION — NIST used numerous unscientific methods and fraudulent inputs to get the key girder to fail in its computer simulation. C: MISSING SHEAR STUDS — NIST’s claim in its Final Report about the lack of shear studs on the floor support girder between columns 44 and 79 is exposed. D: FICTITIOUS DEBRIS DAMAGE — The fictitious “10-story gouge” claimed early on by NIST in WTC 7’s south face is exposed. E: NON-EXISTENT DIESEL FUEL FIRE — NIST’s fraudulent diesel fuel fire hypothesis is exposed ..")

Fraud Exposed in NIST WTC 7 Reports —

Part 1 of 5
Burned-Out Fire

Over the next few weeks, we are republishing five articles that address the alleged fire-induced collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 at 5:20 PM on September 11, 2001.

Titled "Fraud Exposed in NIST WTC 7 Reports," these articles are updated versions of a five-part series written by AE911Truth's Chris Sarns and initially published on our legacy website between May and September 2013.

This is must-read material for anyone who wants to understand in detail how NIST constructed its elaborate, far-fetched explanation for the destruction of Building 7.

Read Part 1 of 5, "Burned-Out Fire," first published on May 8, 2013.