Dec 6, 2016

Message to Lightworkers - December 6, 2016 CET (Blogger: This might be disturbing to all of us, including myself, about; ".. Cabal's evil dinar/dong/Zimbabwe scheme is actually created by Hillary Clinton (current leader of the Bush/Clinton family crime syndicate) and former US senator Phil Gramm and his wife Wendy, in 2004. Most Lightworkers are unaware that the money invested in those currencies was used to create hedge funds that in turn have funded black operations—covert military attacks—all over the planet... Millions have purchased dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes, believing the false channelings on numerous disinformation websites, which stated that those currencies could be traded in, once NESARA was enacted, and that those holding those currencies would then become millionaires..." acc. to Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters... Had this gut feeling for some time now, that's the reason why i've stopped sharing posts from Dave Schmidt, ZAP, Landa China Update - Conference Call, Intel dinar/dong guru sites, for a while now... Yes, there might be a Reset/GCR, but properly not how we think it's going to be... )

Message to Lightworkers - December 5, 2016


The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, and Angelic Beings known as the Collective: 

Greetings, dear ones!

We are pleased to speak with you on matters concerning the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, called NESARA law.

First, understand that many in the western world have been trained to think of NESARA in terms of money alone.

Though abundance is a great blessing, NESARA is far more than a matter of monies disbursed to Lightworkers and others working on behalf of humanity and the higher good of the Earth.

It is far more than weapons put down, wars ended, the planet’s climate stabilized, debt erased, illness and hunger ended, and aggressions dissolved.

It is more than space travel, and development of higher abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis.

It is even more than the opportunity for humankind to finally be free of the shackles of many centuries of oppressive rule from usurpers and warmongers.

NESARA is all of that, yet it is far more than all of that, because it is about Ascension.


NESARA is about Divine Government, not because that is the cure to all ills, but because that is humanity’s way of finally permitting the freedoms, the sovereignty of all beings, to full occur on this planet.

It is a powerfully conscious step forward into fifth dimensional living.

This plan first began in the United States, with St Germain’s original vision of a New Atlantis being rooted in that continent.

The forms created there would then spread throughout the world, as more and more countries saw what was possible for a free society—and as increasing levels of Light spread throughout human consciousness.

The United States was never originally intended to be a place of the mass murder of millions of Native peoples, mass slavery of millions of Africans, and the mass incarceration and enforced poverty of millions in the present day.

It was meant to be, as some envisioned in the seventeenth century, a City on a Hill—a sign to all nations that human sovereignty—human dignity—could indeed be established in ways that no government, no usurper, no king or queen, and no “foreign” or off-world invader could displace.

That dream was put to one side, when the dark hats succeeded in bribing, threatening, or assassinating those safeguarding the original ideals of those following and supporting St Germain.

(Yes, he was present in the United States in her early years, and as an immortal, is present there still.)

Yet this great vision has never died.

It comes to fruition through the precepts and provisions of NESARA, created by a group of highly conscious Congress members and one young state senator from Illinois (Barack Obama), approved by Congress, and signed into law by the then-president (under duress) in 2000.

NESARA was to be announced the morning of September 11, 2001—and you have witnessed the great lengths that the lost ones, the powerful families, went to, to ensure that NESARA did not get announced that day.

The wheels are turning powerfully to get NESARA enacted, but one of its greatest delays has been created by Lightworker investment in one of the most devious schemes ever created by the dark hats, known as the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe “currency trade-in” or “currency reval.”

We see many questions coming to our writer concerning NESARA and this very dark scheme.

The information below seeks to inform and to encourage all to not only divest from this false “currency reval/GCR” scheme, but to understand that though great sums of money will indeed flow for communities and individuals after NESARA’s enactment, that law represents far more than mere money.

It is first and foremost a spiritual undertaking—Earth’s people actively declaring their sovereignty above all other claims upon them.

This is unprecedented for a third dimensional planet. It requires great vigilance, and some bravery on your parts.

But you are fully able. And we are by your side, at every moment.

Here is the Question and Answer forum that our writer has created, with our answers:

Q&A on NESARA Law and the “GCR/Reval”

Q: Who are the White Knights, and what do they do?

The Collective:
 The White Knights comprise 20 million sovereign militia forces working here on Earth, to support Earth's Ascension and complete liberation from usurper control.

They are the Earth-based portion of the Ashtar Command, answering to Captain Ashtar and Lord Admiral Sananda Kumara.

The majority come from Earth, and the rest from elsewhere in the Universe, though most of these are able to take on the appearance of any Earth human.

The White Knights work solely within the Office of the Christ. (In this context, “Christ” is not used as a modifier for Yeshua’s name, but to indicate crystalline or Lightbody higher consciousness.)
They carry out many different kinds of missions on behalf of the Ashtar Command, in service to humanity and the higher realms. They work tirelessly to support and enable the full enactment of NESARA law.

They do not break ranks in the sense of placating the dark hats in the long run, though they do hide their true identities and missions, as is necessary to ensure their safety and the safe completion of their missions.

There are also numerous “white hats” in government, media, education, medicine, and many other fields.

The white hats are not White Knights.

White hats are simply persons of high ethical standard, conscience, and compassion, who are evolving and wish to support the evolvement and Ascension of Earth and Her people, whether they would describe their work in those terms or not.

Q: Where did the whole “currency reval/GCR” idea come from?

The Collective: The White Knights have reported that the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe scheme was created by Hillary Clinton (current leader of the Bush/Clinton family crime syndicate) and former US senator Phil Gramm and his wife Wendy, in 2004.

This is a very dark scheme, intentionally created as a way to encourage Lightworkers to invest in a currency scheme, in part so that they would view NESARA (there is no GESARA) purely in terms of money.

Most Lightworkers are unaware that the money invested in those currencies was used to create hedge funds that in turn have funded black operations—covert military attacks—all over the planet.

These actions have killed millions of innocent people, and injured, traumatized and left homeless millions more.

They occur mainly in countries where the cabal are stealing oil, running drug dealing and human trafficking operations, or wanting to monopolize access to the stargates, among other schemes.

These are the places where they are highly motivated to keep the local population in fear and chaos, such as the Middle East.

They have also been trying to start World War III in countries such as Syria for quite some time.

Millions have purchased dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes, believing the false channelings on numerous disinformation websites, which stated that those currencies could be traded in, once NESARA was enacted, and that those holding those currencies would then become millionaires.

Yet in so doing, they not only disqualify themselves from NESARA funds once the law is announced. As this is a very dark scheme, they are also endangering their very lives . . .