Dec 10, 2016

BBC & CNN Caught Staging FAKE News Chemical Attacks to Drag Britain into Syrian War (Blogger: This is undeniable truth folks!! Something that normal people has a hard time believing!! The most recent intelligence whistleblower is David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence. Steele, a former CIA clandestine services case officer, had this to say: “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”)

What follows is shocking evidence that crisis actors, green screens, CGI, and paid propagandists are being used to fake worldwide events in order to scare people into giving up liberties and sending us into war.

To say this was shocking would be to put it lightly.

From video proof showing “dead soldiers” killed by “chemical weapons” walking around after they thought the videos stopped recording, to digitally altering sounds to add in “explosions” that never happened, this segment demonstrates some of the most damming evidence against the media ever shown on television.

In this brave segment, it’s shown that CNN, MSNBC, BBC are all guilty and need to be exposed and punished by law].

CNN’s not innocent either. For months they used a Fake activist named Danny to justify war in Syria.

Like in the movie Wag The Dog mainstream news channels have been caught carrying dubious footage from Syria to cook up drama to legitimize military intervention

Some mainstream news channels have been recently caught carrying dubious footage from Syria. It fuels the debate over media’s role in legitimizing possible military intervention in the country.

‘Danny’ is a Syrian opposition activist who reports from Homs for CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya. He is attached to the opposition movement and regularly calls for military invasion of Syria. He’s identified as Danny Abdul Dayem, a 22-year-old British citizen of Syrian origin.

In a video leaked online, Danny appears to be falsifying a video broadcast for CNN. Prior to going on air, he requests colleagues to fire weapons to dramatize his Live report with Anderson Cooper.

Though he denied any wrongdoings in an interview to CNN after the video went viral, his reliability as a verified news source was called into question.

By Organic and Healthy and Alexander Higgins

The Mainstream Media has been caught faking news countless times, which had dire consequences worldwide:

1. CNN caught producing fake news during the Gulf War
2. CNN caught producing fake news during the Syrian conflict
3. CNN caught producing fake news during Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon "Bombing"
4. Former CNN journalist: "CNN is paid by foreign and domestic government agencies for specific content"
5. FOX News - and all other news agencies - are 'corporate persons' and can LEGALLY LIE their viewers
6. New York Times openly admits MSM stories are scripted by the White House
7. MSM censored/ignored a shocking admission of highest level Turkish false flag against Syria, which would have triggered a war between the two nations
8. 4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War
9. BBC Journalist Comes Clean: 'Believe Nothing You Read Or Watch'