Nov 20, 2016

Donald Trump Prepares Cold Open - SNL ( Blogger: Kinda strange why the celebs from the illuminati-brainwashing-entertainment-industry are still picking on Donald Trump character after the election and not on Hillary Clinton?... Mike Pence (Beck Bennett): Sir!, Finding 11 million illegal immigrants is going to be hard and even harder to deport them!... Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin): SCARP IT! SCAPPED!! Sir! Obamacare, lots of people like it infact 20 million of them... Trump: KEEP IT, ALL OF IT, NO CHANGE!!.. Sir!, It's going to be hard for us to hire a special prosecuter to put Hillary in jail!! Trump: THEN DONT DO IT!SCARP IT!! Sir!, Being president is not going to be easy, but we'll get through it, if we work hard!. Trump: OH, MIKE YOU'RE GOING TO DO ERYTHING, RIGHT!? Yes, sir!)

Published on Nov 20, 2016
When faced with making good on his campaign promises, president-elect Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) starts to panic.
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