Nov 22, 2016

David Icke Update: Expose George Soros in 1997 (Blogger: David Icke is talking about the EU and the global-scale plutocratic manipulators who tried to implement One Bank, One currency centralized control of a super-state by the "Stepping Stone" technique, after WWII. Introducing a common-market, once called The European Communities (EC or ECC 1973–1977). A bullish engulfing free-trade area (European Free Trade Association). Suddently some of the states of europe started to fuse their economies together and in a socalled "free-trade" area, now we're in the spider WEB and everyone who withdraws from ECC(EU) back then, there would be economic chaos. Interestly enough David Icke is discussing England, Sweden and Denmark back in his 1997 video and the very, very powerful 'hitman' for the house of Rothschild, Bilderberg Group and world currency speculator, Georg Soros (assume to dead or out of the game in 2016), pulled the pund out of monetary system of Europe. When the Swedish polls was against EC/EU, back then, Georg Soros was attaching the swedish currency and forced PM and swedish people to undergo fear and chaos, finally saying YES to the union. In Denmark, two referendums were held before the treaty of Maastricht but as danish reporter told David Icke, he got from a Pro-Maastricht politician: "if we didn't succeed with the first referendum we're just go to have referendums until we get the results we want".. That's how it works, because we are in the land of the free....)

Published on Nov 21, 2016
World Tour Tickets - 2016/17
David Icke Exposes George Soros in 1997
All David's Books Now Available Here

Full Interview by Scandinavian media June 

Published on Nov 22, 2016
David Icke World Tour Tickets - 2016/17
Fear & The Programming Of Human Reality - David Icke