Nov 18, 2016

10 mind-blowing events you'll witness in the next 100 days

10 mind-blowing events you'll witness in the next 100 days
Mike Adams
100 days ago, I correctly predicted the outcome of the election and the violent leftist aftermath that followed.

Now, I'm making a new list of predictions for the next 100 days.

According to my list of 10 predictions, we're likely to witness a Trump assassination attempt, the murder of a prominent Obama administration official, a false flag attack on a major U.S. city and many other events that will shake this nation to its core.

#1) A massive, deliberate market crash in 2017, engineered to blame Trump
#2) An attempted political coup by communist agitators on or before January 20, 2017
#3) A very likely false flag attack in a large U.S. city, carried out by the Obama administration to maximize chaos for Trump
#4) Over 100 presidential pardons for the cabal of criminals running the Clinton regime
#5) Aggressive arrests of protesters by police in January
#6) An assassination attempt on Donald Trump or a family member
#7) Acts of economic sabotage
#8) Self-defense shootings of rioters by Trump supporters
#9) Arrests of Sanctuary City bureaucrats who refuse to follow the law
#10) Hillary Clinton gets murdered (or "suicided") by incredibly unhappy Clinton Foundation donors who want their money back.........