Oct 25, 2016

In5D Alternative News for October 25, 2016

In5D Alternative News for 2015

Welcome to in5d News, your source for Alternative News related to POSITIVE change in our society. Alternative news is the REAL news that is not being reported on the main stream media (MSM). It also reveals the propaganda that IS being reported by the MSM. If you’ve noticed, the main stream media promotes violence, fear and terror in their attempt to control us through specific agendas. in5d does not advocate fear-mongering propaganda and views ALL news as a potential for awakening the masses in as many ways as possible. Some news, such as Earth changes, show us the balance that is needed in all areas of life, while some political news shows us how this current paradigm of corruption is collapsing from within, which is integral in becoming a Type 1 civilization.

You can find our list of QUICK REFERENCE Websites here.

New In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit articles:

How To Tap Into The Amazing Features Of A Creative And Spiritual Mind

James Gilliland – Planetary Update With Ethann Fox

Energy Update – Collective Gridwork Fluctuations20 Transformational Truths From Sages Throughout The Ages

New articles and videos from around the internet

VIDEO: An Energy Revolution led by Lithium | David Sidoo
VIDEO: New Wikileaks Confirm Media Rigging Polls For Hillary
VIDEO: Benjamin Fulford update
VIDEO: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Discloses Dire Vaccine Dangers, An Interview With Dane Wigington
VIDEO: Breaking: The New Election Fec Violation That Should End Clinton’s Campaign
VIDEO: Shifting timelines and mission flexibility
VIDEO: Josh Reeves | Scientology & The Hollywood Machine
VIDEO: Hillary Is Disqualified! New Undercover Veritas Video Convicts Her Of Gross Federal Crimes
15 Tips On How To Become A Master Alchemist And Transmute Energies
From Darkness To Light- Integrating the Shadow Within
Clinton’s rally agitator, Robert Creamer, visited the white house 342 times
Who runs the US? George Soros mentioned over 50 times in leaked Hillary campaign emails
Ancient Teeth Show Early Human Favored Right Hand
The Health Dangers Of Scented Candles
5 Beauty Fixes Using Raw Honey
Leaked emails expose Coca-Cola’s political strategy: a propaganda front against public health and soda taxes
Over 1 million Americans to become uninsured as Obamacare collapse accelerates
These 15 common herbs cure everything from infections to inflammation and indigestion
Soylent food bars ‘proudly made with GMOs’ causing stomach problems, vomiting and diarrhea
US Army Will Have More Robots Than Human Soldiers By 2025
Prison Food Contractors Exposed For Funding Efforts To Ensure People Are Jailed For Marijuana
Schumann Resonance 8.31