Sep 8, 2016

The Tree of the Golden Light Update: Mushaba Platinum Light (You will see many laws struck down and the removal and closing of many government and non-government agencies that have been a parasite to the people feeding on your hopes and dreams. So many unjust actions that have held you down in bondage but no more! We all say together “NO MORE, NO MORE, NO MORE”..)

Mushaba Platinum Light

Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba September 07, 2016


I am Porda and I am here with quite a group of spiritual supporters today! I am also being broadcast planet wide on Mushaba and also to various planets throughout the Universe. Why is this you might ask? What is so important that this kind of attention is being given to the words I share with you today?

Humanity has been on a long, long journey to our enlightenment. I say “our” because I am no longer in a human body, which does not discount me from being a part of humanity, for I am. I am Porda and was known on earth as Wali Karriem Mushaba father to this one who passes on my message. Everyone called me “Papa Force” and I still get that even here on the other side of the human veil.

I am here to thank all of you that have stood steadfast and committed to bring change to the world. You have weathered the storm so to speak. You have stood against all odds and the universe as well as the earth is much better for it. We of the galactic civilizations want to thank you of earth for all that you have done and are still doing to bring change not only to earth but to the universal configuration as well. What you do on earth affects the universe in more ways than you may be aware of. Why do you think we have such interest in the affairs of earth! You as humanity are now at a crossroads of sorts where you have three directions to travel. They will all get you there but in different ways. One road will take you through more of the same old third dimensional drama and limitations, but it would have to be done on another planet of 3d design, for earth herself is ascending. Another road will get you there by going more around about, and extending your journey while another road will get you there in a straight direct way where you can bring this journey to an end and begin a new journey of your choosing.

All of you have made a choice. Every single being on earth have made a choice. Many of you have chosen the last road I speak of for you are at the threshold of stepping into something amazing that you had a strong powerful hand in creating! You are ready to step into your new way of being in the world as you ascend right along with Mother Earth into the higher dimensions. The life changing events are beginning as we speak and you will and are about to see the physical signs of this in your lives at almost any moment. The long awaited time of prosperity is here, and the release of these long held funds is in the final moments of its release from bondage. Yes, even the funds were held captive in bondage. They in their own consciousness have expressed its desire to be free and let go so it can move forward and do its mission and purpose in the world..........................