In this second article in a series discussing Corey Goode’s latest update about his meetings with representatives of extraterrestrial groups, Inner Earth civilizations and the “Secret Space Program Alliance,” I focus on what he claims to have been told about ongoing negotiations and battles between Cabal/Syndicate groups, and the “Earth Alliance”.
The Earth Alliance comprises BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa), Asian secret societies, and “White Hats” within the military industrial complex of the U.S. and other nations, who desire to have full disclosure of extraterrestrial life and advanced space technologies, and expose crimes committed by Cabal/Syndicate groups.
Goode says that after he had completed his discussion with Raw Teir-Eir about increasing cosmic energy waves, humanity’s optimal time line, and Ascension discussed in the previous article, a familiar figure was transported to the same meeting area. He described his initial encounter with Lt. Col. Gonzales – a pseudonym used by this liaison to the Secret Space Program [SSP] Alliance comprising the Solar Warden Space Program and defectors from rival space programs:
I was about to inquire more about what had just been communicated when I then noticed a blue orb arrive. The orb deposited Gonzales next to the other three beings mentioned before. He was facing them and obviously communicating with them. The entire group appeared to glide over to within about 10 feet of Tear-Eir and I as we wrapped up our communication.The Mayan group is one of the ancient Earth civilizations that developed a space program, and they have colonies in other solar systems including the Pleiades constellation. Gonzales, according to Goode, is now working as the liaison between the Secret Space Program Alliance and the Mayans.
Gonzales greeted me with a big smile and asked “I hope you didn’t miss me too much”. It was nice to see that he still had the same sense of humor. He had just gotten back from a meeting with the SSP Alliance where the Mayan group was also present.
Artist depiction of Mayan Secret Space Program personnel |