Til tider, kommentere David Wilcock på Fulford's blog. Virkelig spændende nyhedsstof, en vinkel, som bliver mere valid eftersom de begge har informanter og indgange til den virkelige agenda, uden censur, der aldrig når ud i de officielle medier.
Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia
Udgivet af Benjamin den 1. August 2016
The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well with major victories on multiple fronts amidst increasing global chaos as the post-war world order continues to collapse.
The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown off Khazarian (Sabbatean) mafia rule, a Russian, Pentagon, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian alliance is preparing to liberate the people of Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will cut off all supplies of Middle-Eastern oil money to the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia.
The other place where huge developments are taking place is Europe. There, officials in Germany, France and Italy are now openly calling for a military alliance with Russia to free Europe from the grip of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller (BCR) faction of the Khazarian mafia that still controls Washington DC and New York. The European moves are taking place in preparation for a collapse of the banking system there that could break into the open as early as this month.
There is also a major battle taking between thieves taking place in Malaysia as BCR operatives try to seize funds embezzled from the Malaysian people by Rothschild flunky Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (see below for details).
Then of course the battle for the United States of America continues to rage as BCR candidate Hillary Clinton blatantly stole the Democratic Party presidential nomination last week in a move that fatally ruined her reputation and that of the Khazarian mafia backing her. This battle has only begun and will intensify towards November with the very real possibility of open civil war breaking out in the United States, multiple sources agree.
Let us start with a closer look at the situation in Turkey where top US General Joseph Dunford flew on July 31st for an emergency meeting with his Turkish counter-parts. The meeting took place as Turkish government officials openly accused the US of trying to overthrow its government and Turkish troops surrounded the nuclear-armed US Incirlik Airbase. At the meeting, according to Pentagon sources, Dunford told the Turks........
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......the attempt to overthrow the Turkish government was carried out by CIA agents of the Khazarian CBR faction working under the cover of the Jamestown Foundation. Dunford told his counterparts that cutting off the flow of Afghan heroin and drug money going through Incirlik, would help in the battle to liberate the United States and Israel from Khazarian mafia control, the sources said. Dunford had no choice but to be conciliatory because the latest opinion surveys say only 17% of Turks support a US presence in their country.
Dunford also explained to his Turkish counterparts that the Pentagon was allying itself with the Russians to liberate the United States and the rest of the world from the Khazarians, the Pentagon sources said. As evidence of this, the Pentagon ordered a state of the art US spy plane to land in central Russia, the sources said. They are also allowing Russian spy planes to fly over US territory to confirm the US is planning no military moves or preemptive nuclear strike against Russia.
The Russians, who now hold the upper hand in the Middle-East, told the Turks to cut off all oil income to Israel as a part of a major move against that rogue state. Other moves including providing state of the art ground attack planes and other advanced weaponry to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah plus supplying S-300 air defense missiles to Iran. Russia is also sending in Drones to get detailed intelligence of Israeli military dispositions. There has also been intensive Syrian shelling all along its Golan Heights border with Israel, Israeli intelligence sources say.