Thursday, July 28, 2016 - discerningthemystery2000plus
The Event--many of us have heard of this moment. This occurrence is said to represent very rapid and profound changes in human and planetary evolution, and to mark a dynamic, multidimensional transition within our galaxy as a whole.
We have heard this ascension event prophesied and predicted from sources dating back from decades to millennia. Here in modern times, we have been given general detail about this monumental moment, but what is it, and why has it been predicted to happen by so many various sources? These are common questions among many, and their answers have been given in short. Let's get down to the details.
Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock: Preparing for Full Disclosure - Coming Down to the Wire in the Game of Disclosure
Many of us have waiting patiently for years for this momentous occasion, working tirelessly to awaken those around us to the present, global situation, and the possibilities which await us after the shift takes place. Many of us have worked toward these ends. However, one of the most important and effective means of the creating this event (as well as any) is the ability to visualize it, and to picture it as such a strong possibility that if it were to take place 5, 10, of 20 minutes from now, we would not at all be surprised. It is my goal within this article to help all of us to visualize and to prepare for this moment when humanity comes into its new existence.
The 7 Key Steps of Manifestation
It is my goal to answer the above questions and to fill in the holes which many of us have as to possible occurrences on the day of the Event. This article combines previously disclosed intelligence, scientific knowledge from both the mainstream and alternative sources, and combines each of these to form possible scenarios of how the Event will progress for each of us.
Laying Down the Foundation
Imagine for a moment, waking up and starting your morning ritual. You get out of bed, start your routine, and prepare for the day just like normal. Only today, something is different. The energy has changed. The air isn't quite the same. You realize that you are able to feel your feet on the floor like never before. When you take a breath, you now feel the act as some multi-dimensional experience. You actually feel life coming into your body as you inhale, and expanding outward into the universe as you exhale.
You take a step forward, and realize that you can now feel the Earth responding to your movements, acting to energetically support each step that you take. When you eat, you can feel the partnership between your body and your food becoming one, and participating in the universal dance of life.
Conscious Life Expo - David Wilcock - Page 1 - New Intel, The Human Evolutionary Leap, Sacred Geometry, Illuminati Secrets, and More
As you look at the bathroom walls, at your breakfast, and out your window, you realize that light itself seems brighter, the colors more vibrant, and your visual experience more detailed than ever before. You may pick up your glasses to put them on, only to realize that your vision is perfect, and that your glasses only make the world look blurry. At that moment, the reality of a change dawns on you. You look around to realize that this is not the house you're used to, yet everything is somehow familiar. At that moment, you have to remind yourself to put on shoes before you rush outside and gaze into the new, dreamscape of a sky that is now above a new Earth.

This is just one scenario which could take place on the day of our long-awaited ascension. This planetary, solar-systemic, and galactic occurrence is to affect everything about life as we know it to be. As the ancient prophecies describe, nothing will be the same afterward. ...But what is this Event? What has such an ability to make such a profound change within our lives on such a broad scale? In short, it all comes down to energy.

The Observer Effect - How Consciousness is Scientifically Proven to Affect Reality
Both in conventional and in alternative
science, the constant of energy is elementary. Energy is
everywhere and exists within everything. Systems of higher energy
pass to systems of lower energy, and this energy is gradually
propagated throughout the universe in all directions. This is
fundamental. So when
we look at our galaxy, we see this concept taking form within all matter
and within all microcosmic and macrocosmic interactions. However, this
is only the mainstream, scientific
explanation of the concept. When we look at the alternative side of
science, we become aware of the dimension of consciousness.
It could be suggested that all of the
order, all of the energetic interactions within our universe, and every
action which creates the perfect and harmonious dance of the
cosmos can all be explain with one simple concept. This is the
concept of consciousness. It may very well be that the reason
everything from the quantum wave/particle to the galactic
supercluster functions in perfect unison is because at some level,
all things are connected to the same consciousness.
This consciousness affects both life and non-living material. According to the Law of One text, both living and non-living material are the same at a foundational level.
Both are a part of the universal design, and both have potential for
housing higher levels of consciousness. It is each of these (matter,
life, energy, and consciousness) which the Event is likely to change to new and higher states.
Law of One - The Nature of First Density
There is much to discuss on this matter of consciousness, and how all consciousness within the universe has cooperated, and progressed to this stage on planet Earth--just before this long-awaited moment takes place. However, before we get to that, let's define this event a bit further. For more detail on the subject, we turn to Dr. Michael Salla, and his website
Law of One - The Nature of First Density
There is much to discuss on this matter of consciousness, and how all consciousness within the universe has cooperated, and progressed to this stage on planet Earth--just before this long-awaited moment takes place. However, before we get to that, let's define this event a bit further. For more detail on the subject, we turn to Dr. Michael Salla, and his website
In the fifth instalment of the Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV series, whistleblower Corey Goode reveals how secret space programs he worked with from 1987-2007 had become aware of regions of the galaxy with “superwaves” that would eventually be encountered by our solar system. It was discovered that the superwaves were made up of clouds of “vibrating energy particles” that would impact the sun, earth and humanity in ways leading to profound changes. Human consciousness itself would be directly impacted and would lead either to our rapid evolution into an advanced global society, or global self-destruction as apparently had happened in the past.Goode says that in the late 1980’s giant spheres first began appearing in our solar system that were also interested in the superwave phenomenon. These spheres remained in an observational mode until 2011 when they became operational. The spheres ranged in size from the diameter of the moon to that of Jupiter. They were strategically placed to act as “resonance buffers” of galactic superwaves so the sun, and humanity, would not be overwhelmed as our solar system progressively entered into the affected region of the galaxy.Goode’s revelation that galactic superwaves were secretly discovered and studied is stunning confirmation for the work of astrophysicist Dr Paul LaViolette who has predicted galactic superwaves eventually impacting our solar system. In his 2006 book Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, Dr LaViolette describes pulsars strategically placed in the galaxy that transmitted warnings about these superwaves that are generated out of the galactic core in cycles spanning from 10,000 to 16,000 years. LaViolette speculates that these pulsars were built by a very advanced Type III extraterrestrial civilization – one that understood how galactic superwaves operated, and their potential impact on solar systems and worlds...This suggests that we will very soon be experiencing the full force of these superwaves that will bring out the best or worst in all humanity depending on how well prepared we are. This new episode will help the viewer appreciate the importance of taking firm steps to prepare for superwave related events that secret space programs have themselves been silently preparing for over several decades now.
We see this concept of a galactic superwave that emanates from
the center of the milky way outward to all corners of the galaxy. This
series of wave emanations is thought to occur periodically throughout
the course of many thousands of years, and has significant impact on the
star systems they interact with. (The superwave-phenomenon is most
memorable as the theory of Dr. Paul LaViolette in his published papers from the early 1980's.)
The superwave was also found to have a strong potential for causing an
extreme solar event which would cause our sun to release an enormous,
energetic burst which would cause numerous changes for life in our solar
system. This burst was also thought to have potential for causing a
large amount of destruction on any planet which happened to be in its
path (though this destruction is not likely to happen on our planet).
A NASA-Funded Publication - Ancient, Advanced Civilizations which Came to Abrupt Ends
We also learn that this superwave phenomenon is actually spoken of in many ancient texts, and is the likely cause of many catastrophes described from ancient times. Along with these ancient writings is the Law of One text, in which the destruction of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were depicted to have occurred due to what the text refers to as a "confluence of energy".
Dr. Paul LaViolette - Questions and Answers Regarding What the Next Superwave Might be Like
The way in which the Law of One describes these confluences seems to fit the description of the galactic superwave phenomenon quite well. Both describe the different flows of energy coming together and causing major shifts to occur. These changes in flow (or changes in galactic/planetary, rotational forces) may trigger of earthquakes, tsunamis, severe weather, and possible volcanic eruptions. It should be noted, however, that none of these destructive occurrences are likely results of the latest superwave.
Galactic Cosmic Ray Volleys
Not only does the Earth have assistance which is preventing these catastrophic events from occurring, but the effect of universal consciousness seems to be having a positive impact upon the planet, according to reports. This impact of consciousness seems to be directing the Sol System more toward a path of positive evolution and advancement, and away from the cataclysms which appear to have followed past superwave events on Earth.
So we have this immense inflow of particular energy streaming in from the galactic center, impacting our own star system and catalyzing numerous changes on all planets within it. This is not any information we have heard communicated from mainstream media in a straight forward manor. However, it is very much a topic of detailed study among those within the Secret Space Program, according to reports.
Full Disclosure and Ascension: The War Has Gone Hot! (Part II)A NASA-Funded Publication - Ancient, Advanced Civilizations which Came to Abrupt Ends
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We also learn that this superwave phenomenon is actually spoken of in many ancient texts, and is the likely cause of many catastrophes described from ancient times. Along with these ancient writings is the Law of One text, in which the destruction of the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria were depicted to have occurred due to what the text refers to as a "confluence of energy".
Dr. Paul LaViolette - Questions and Answers Regarding What the Next Superwave Might be Like
The way in which the Law of One describes these confluences seems to fit the description of the galactic superwave phenomenon quite well. Both describe the different flows of energy coming together and causing major shifts to occur. These changes in flow (or changes in galactic/planetary, rotational forces) may trigger of earthquakes, tsunamis, severe weather, and possible volcanic eruptions. It should be noted, however, that none of these destructive occurrences are likely results of the latest superwave.
Galactic Cosmic Ray Volleys
Not only does the Earth have assistance which is preventing these catastrophic events from occurring, but the effect of universal consciousness seems to be having a positive impact upon the planet, according to reports. This impact of consciousness seems to be directing the Sol System more toward a path of positive evolution and advancement, and away from the cataclysms which appear to have followed past superwave events on Earth.
So we have this immense inflow of particular energy streaming in from the galactic center, impacting our own star system and catalyzing numerous changes on all planets within it. This is not any information we have heard communicated from mainstream media in a straight forward manor. However, it is very much a topic of detailed study among those within the Secret Space Program, according to reports.
There is one thing I find interesting within the passage above. This is
that those within the Secret Space Program are required to study the
Law of One text in order to gain understanding on the current galactic
and planetary situation. This may indicate that the Law of One actually
holds quite a bit of key information on the subject.
As the galactic superwave propagates from the center of the galaxy outward, it will have a profound effect on every star system it comes in contact with. According to insider testimony, this wave has been observed to cause increases in energetic output of all affected stars.
NASA - Magnificent Eruption in Full HD
It is this increase of our own star's energetic output which is commonly understood to be the flashpoint of the Event itself. This occurrence is known to happen suddenly, though the buildup to this point can be rather gradual.
This flashpoint which has been both documented in ancient texts and studied in modern times, has been found to be the moment a star matures into a higher energetic state. As this galactic superwave contacts our sun, our star is likely to jump to the next energetic level. In heliophysical terms, this would translate to Sol maturing from a yellow dwarf star into a state more relative to that of a red giant star.
So how does a star mature and develop in this way? Let's investigate further.
The Life of a Star
The life of a star, from birth to maturation, and eventual extinction may seem like a simple process. We look at stars in the night sky, and as far as our eyes tell us, all that exists are dots of light that don't seem to change much. However, this is far from the case.
Giant Planet size UFO's THE Sun Stargate & Sungods - Nassim Haramein Part 1 of 5
When considering the the size and magnitude of our galaxy alone, it could be said that we as human beings are living in a virtual photograph. Everything appears to be standing still to some extent, but in reality, the cycles of universal motion are moving at such tremendous speeds that even if we ourselves could calculate them, we would be hard pressed to grasp such complexity of motion (though this has been achieved in the past). Even if would could consider such speed of motion, the size of our galaxy alone makes even these speeds seem insignificant.
When considering the lifespan of a star, our task of grasping the magnitude of time and energetic potentials would be no less of a task to complete. However, for our discussion, we will distill the immense factors of time and energy down to the simple topic of evolutionary progress.
Kent University - Famous Astronomers and Astrophysicists
Just as we and all living organisms undergo a process of development and evolution, stars have a progression of birth, maturation, and disintegration as well. The "current" model of heliophysics gives us the theory that stars are gigantic balls of burning elements (mainly hydrogen) which are undergoing a process of nuclear fusion to form more complex elements. These elements are then hurled out into the heliosphere and deposited on the numerous bodies therein. (This was actually only a theory developed by one theoretical physicist which was never tested.) However, the world of classified and alternative science gives us a very different picture.
The Law of One - Consciousness of a Star
Many of those who frequent the world of theoretical physics know the name of Dr. Nassim Haramein. Though it is more of those who have an open mind toward the alternative propositions within the sciences of heliophysics and astronomy, the composition of star-anatomy includes more than just one possibility. It is actually from the world of classified science that we get one of these possibility. This is the model of the electro-plasmic star.
According to Dr. Haramein, the sun is not simply a ball of fusing elements. It is a singularity, or a black hole. This black hole is surrounded by a generative, spherical white hole, and the these two forces exist in perfect balance with one another.
To add, the Secret Space Program whistle-blower, Corey Goode, has disclosed specific aspects of SSP findings from his experience on numerous solar research missions. According to Goode's testimony, the sun was found to be an electric and plasmic system with a small, metallic (sodium, magnesium, and other elements) core at the center. The outer portion of the sun interacted with the inner core similar to the way an anode interacts with a cathode within electric systems.
The research SSP research vessel also found that a singularity was at the center of the entire mass, and that it was this singularity which could be used as a gateway to other places within the universe. From the way Corey Goode described it, I gathered that the sun still creates matter and deposited numerous elements throughout the heliosphere, but that the overall generation of the matter was achieved by other means besides nuclear fusion.
Goode also shared the findings that the intense energy generated within and around the sun were due to the intensity of interacting forces at the star's surface. (These would be the internal forces pushing outward and balancing with the outer forces pushing inward--the forces which create hydrostatic equilibrium.)
Light shone on star mystery: Why sun's corona is much hotter than its surface
These explanations of an electro-plasmic star seem to be much more thought-provoking, and to hold more potential than the theory of George Gamow (author of the currently accepted theory of astrophysics). When we add in the knowledge from the Law of One text, things truly begin to take shape.
According to the Law of One, stars and astral bodies are not simply balls and burning gas floating aimlessly through space. These are actually conscious beings and can even be considered to be alive. Just as we grow, evolve, and learn for the sake the experience of our unity with Source, planets and stars do the same in their own unique way, according to the Law of One.
At the evolutionary level of a star, beings may be referred to as hive-minds or group souls who have chosen to have a collective experience with all of those around them (whether that means one soul per star, or many souls incarnating within one star). In the form of a star, these souls may contribute to the evolution of all of the planets, and all of the life that dwell upon those planets. It may even be that as we as humans evolve, we may come across the opportunity to become entire planets and stars as well.
According to astronomers, stars develop from the material left from other collapse supernovas which typically explode in spectacular ways, creating beautiful clouds of gasses and matter. It has been theorized that the beginning of the universe included the birth of a number of super-massive, hypergiant stars which expired rather quickly due to their high efficiency. These collapsed stars would then form nebula which provided the material needed for other, smaller stars to be born and develop.
Law of One - Order of Consciousness within Our Solar System
Today, we can observe numerous stars in the heavens at different stages of development. Some are being birthed from nebular matter, while others are moving away from nebula and forming their own solar systems.
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As stars mature, they can take various forms and progress to different states. Below are the observed paths of astral development, according to modern astronomical and heliophysical models.
Our home-star, Sol, is classified as a yellow dwarf and is slowly transitioning into a red giant star. During this process, the galactic forces we have discussed actually cause a periodic leap in evolution for our sun, which, in tern, creates an evolutionary leap for life here on planet Earth. As the sun undergoes this leap in development, it gives off an energetic blast which causes major changes on all affected planetary bodies. On Earth, it is this occurrence which has been found to cause such profound evolutionary leaps throughout history. As the galactic, central star evolves, all the stars within the galaxy evolve. As every star evolves, the planets which orbit those stars evolve, and as each planet evolves, the life upon those planets evolve.
The Transition to the Red Giant Phase for Sun-like stars
This progression of evolution is not simply an interaction of hot, lifeless matter spiraling through space. It is a cycle of life. Each star is a form of highly evolved consciousness, and has the potential of assisting other beings in achieving higher states of their own. As one transitions into higher states, they assist the planetary beings around them in doing the same.
As our sun undergoes its own transformation into a higher state of energy, it will affect all life on Earth, causing it to transition into a higher state of matter, energy, consciousness, and overall existence. It is this transition into a higher state, or density which we refer to as The Event.
Our Great Transition
The thought of our star suddenly releasing a massive, energetic wave of plasma directly toward the Earth may be unnerving to some. However, this event is not at all to be the rumored "world-ending" event we have been taught to believe by cabal-controlled media.
This event will not include planetary devastation in any of our experiences. Instead, the occurrences to take place will represent a complete renewal and upliftment for life, and all of those who have chosen the positive path.
There are numerous changes we have to look forward to as a planet--only one of which is the solar flash we have spoken about. These are to be changes within our society, in of social interactions, within our living situations, and within ourselves as individuals. There are a number of points to speak on. For these details, we turn to the source, Cobra, on the Prepare for Change website.
The event is the moment of the compression breakthrough. The compression breakthrough is when the light forces from above the surface of the planet and from below the surface of the planet meet in the middle that is on the surface of the planet. I hope that we all agree that there are certain factions that support the light and support the liberation that exists inside of the solar system.There are some factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet that are existing below the surface. They’re progressing towards the surface of the planet because the surface of the planet is the main battleground is the main focus of all this situation that is not just limited to the planet Earth. When this breakthrough happens, this is what we term the Event.The Event is actually many things at the same moment. It is when the light forces take over the mass media and release intel about ET involvement, about the crimes of the Cabal, about the advanced technologies, so FULL disclosure. This is part of it. The other part of it is the mass arrest of the Cabal. The other part of it is Financial re-set that the Eastern alliance has been preparing for quite a long time. And of course we have been gradually going towards the first contact which is an actual official contact between the earth civilization and other positive ET races that exist throughout the galaxy. And the Event is a trigger point which begins that process.That’s the short overview of what the Event is. And of course we have the pulse from the galactic central sun. The galactic central sun is a living entity and it times the pulse of energy according to our global awareness and the level of that awareness and the level of the awakening. And when we have this compression breakthrough the level of awakening is high enough for humanity to receive that pulse of increased energy from the galactic center. (Source)Earth and the inhabitants have been in 25,000 years of imprisonment and quarantine (black hole). We have been controlled and manipulated by the dark side – or as we call them, The Cabal. We are now to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. Our planet is the last one in the galaxy to be liberated. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON, or THE EVENT. THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non physical.On the non physical plane there will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun going towards the surface of the planet. (The galactic central sun is an object in the Sagittarius constellation.) It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity.It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before. It will not be a major shock event, it will be a positive event.On the physical plane there will be:The arrest of the Cabal (already started).The re-set of the Financial Systems.Disclosure – the release of ET information.The beginning of a new, fair financial system with prosperity funds for all humanity.NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, etc.Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.Introduction of new advanced technologies.The release of spiritual growth and healing for every human being on the planet.There is much, much more to look forward to.
These are quite a few changes to take into account. It may seem that these are so incredible that they are difficult to imagine. However, it is important to remember that just as in any exercise of manifestation, if we can picture an occurrence within our mind, we can create it in the real. Each one of these is very possible for anyone who has an imagination and believes in the possibility of a better world.
In the past, Cobra has stated and restated that it is unknown exactly when these events are to take place, but that all of us are working together in order to create a new world. He has also stressed how important it is to contribute to positive progress, and that as we do, we bring this Event ever closer.
According to the Law of One, those who have chosen the positive, service-to-others path may have some of the greatest influence on world events at this time. It is also stated that the positive among us have already met the requirement for weathering this event untouched.
Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock - Prepare for Ascension
This path of service to others is one of forgiveness, of love, and of overall goodness toward self and toward others. As the text describes, a person needs to be at least 50% on the positive path in order to weather the end-age, Earth changes we are soon to experience. These include the energetic release of the sun on the day of the Event flash. That day will only be destructive to that which cannot transition from this present 3rd density into the 4th density. This includes those who have chosen the negative, service-to-self path. (It may also include anyone who has not resolves their karmic issues by that time. In this case, an individual may need to experience a world-ending event in order to balance their karma, and to start in the 4th density with a clean slate.)
It is very likely that each of these occurrences may happen within our very near future. These subjects can be quite significant to consider. With this in mind, let's get back to our visualization.
Creating Our Momentous Breakthrough
There are countless ways in which the long-awaited Event may take place. There are numerous stages of this process we could discuss. However, for now we will concentrate on the moment of the spectacular solar flash which is to bath the Earth in high-energy wave/particles, and catalyses our transition into higher densities of existence.
When something as large as our sun spontaneously raises to new heights of energetic output, this is no small occurrence. So many of us may become instantly aware the moment this takes place. Though the sun's light takes roughly 8.3 minutes to reach the Earth, the torsion field which surrounds the sun and the overall heliosphere will register instantaneous change which the more sensitive among those here on Earth may detect (as torsion waves are known to travel with near instantaneous speeds).
Imagine going about your day as you typically do. You might be sitting at your work-station, or you could be at home minding your own business. You may not be expecting anything out of the ordinary to occur. Then, suddenly you realize that you feel more energized than every before. You realize that you are buzzing with new energy and life. Those at work may look up at a colleague of two to see if they have the same look of surprise on their face as they themselves do.
You walk outside with a peculiar urge to see the sun. As you do, the light and energy feel different somehow. Perhaps you're just imagining things, maybe it was your lunch that's making you feel this way. Maybe you got more sleep last night than usual. The thoughts begin to go through your head that this is just another day. That's when the sun starts to change color.
The orb has a halo around it, and the light is brighter than you've ever seen it. You look around as other people begin to notice the change as well. The sun is brighter, and yet easier to look at directly. As you gaze, you feel your energy increase even more. You feel as though every breath you take is more invigorating than it ever was previously. You feel lighter on your feet than ever before, and on top of this, you start to hear the voices of those you cannot yet see. You hear conversations with the distinct sound of eagerness and excitement of new change. Yet no one around you is speaking. You want to look around for the origin of this speaking, yet you cannot take you eyes off of the the sun's revitalizing light.
Just then you notice that the sky, the grass around you, even the air itself is slowly waving back and forth, but there is no wind. The movement reminds you of ocean plant-life slowly waving in the currents. That is what you notice that all of your surroundings are bathed in the light of auroras, only these are at ground level, and it's daytime.
At any other time, this might be disturbing to see, but this day is different. It feels too pleasant, and your inner knowing tells you that this is the way it always happens. Everyone around you resembles plants in the sun, soaking up the raise of life-giving light. That's when the eager voices and exuberant anticipation begin to take shape. The faces of those eager voices and the new Earth begin to take form all around you.
Did you see it? Could you feel the light on your face? I hope so. This is a moment which each of our souls knows to be coming very soon. This is not fantasy. It is not a fairly tale, and it is not science fiction. It is our ancient history, and our near future. This scene is similar to that which is in your future, and it is yours if you choose for it to be. There is one task we must remember in order to bring this moment into the real.
Come back to this moment. Close your eyes, think of the scenario which gives you the greatest joy and the greatest hope beyond anything your physical eyes may see in the world around you. Now, while keeping that thought in your mind, take note of how that moment makes you feel inside. Do you have it? Good. Hold onto that feeling.
Now, let go of every other sentiment you have of dissatisfaction, of impatiences, of frustration with the way the world presently appears, and focus on that feeling of upliftment. You don't have to be perfect at this. Nor do you have to do it all of the time, but every day, take a moment to come back to this place within yourself, let go of everything else, and picture your moment of transcendence. See the world renewed. Feel the light on your face, and see the new world being born around you. This is a powerful tool of creation (one of many).
The moment is coming, and you and I are making it happen. This is our task. This is why we chose to be born into the world. It was for this specific moment, and this specific task. This is our specialty, our purpose, and our greatest moment to create.
Let's complete it.