Jul 3, 2016

Is Denmark becoming a police state?: SWAP-Team raided tent full of young sleeping people at Roskilde Festival 2016, for a water pistol...

Police raided tents at Roskilde: Appeared with ready machine guns.

Eyewitness tells of policemen with machine guns when police   raided one of the camping areas to find a gun, this morning

Af - 03/07-16 11:21
- I woke up, and then I heard some shouting, 'it's The police, it is The police'. At first I thought it was bullshit. So I rolled out of the tent and saw a SWAT team with machine guns. It was a very intense, says Nicolas Dalby, who witnessed the incident to metroxpress
Danish newspaper Metroxpress: http://www.mx.dk/nyheder/roskilde_festival/story/20895494#showid=19500&index=0