Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak indicted in multi-billion dollar embezzlement scandal, is seeking immunity in exchange for testimony against the Rothschilds
By Benjamin Fulford
July 30, 2016
CIA sources in East Asia alerted us to the fact the US Justice Department has indicted Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak for embezzling over $1 billion from a fund meant to be used for Malaysian economic development.
The indictment is calling for the seizure of all the profits from the Hollywood hit movie The Wolf of Wall Street, because it was financed with embezzled funds. The indictment also mentions Saudi Arabian royals, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Bank Privee Edmond de Rothschild.
The CIA sources source say Najib has asked for immunity and placement for him and his family in the witness protection program in exchange for testifying about the links between the embezzlement scandal, the Rothschild family and missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370. If so, this could be the case that finally brings down the Rothschild dynasty. The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton branch of the Khazarian mafia is already being brought down in the US so if the Rothschilds are also brought down, this will mean liberation for humanity for the horrors of Babylonian debt slavery.
The indictment can be read here:
More details will be made available in the Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis report due out on Monday, August 1st, 2016.
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Læs også: BREAKING NEWS - Just like I predicted before and no longer an conspiracy: The danish political shitstorms will never seize. The political establishment will go free, profits always goes to the power elite network and black sheep are our innocent and naive danish taxpayers.. (Since forever, Rothschild dynasty has been and still is the sole financial adviser to the Danish Government officials. This ultra-exclusive investment bank N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London with all their minions like Lars Rohde, Fritz Schur, Former PM and ex-NATO SG Anders Fogh, banks like, Danske Bank, Nordea, UBS, JP Morgan, The Goldman Sachs Group etc. etc. has been manipulating and seizing control over Denmark as a nation and companies e.g. DONG and TDC as the majority shareholders making "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer". Latest MAJOR shitstorm as of our fraudulent government officials told us a lie; "big bank bailout in 2008 returned 18 billion DKK in profits on bank packages" (Assets to government treasury holdings), which have so far been kept completely hidden from the public. INSTEAD, the bailout rescue operation meant that the Danmarks Nationalbank had to issue 30-year pension bonds at a obscure high rate of 4.5 percent. So not only current debt of high-yield bonds is 125.6 billion DKK, the total interest payment on the debt, according to DNB is actually 163 billion DKK, acc. to Reuters. The amount corresponds to that every Danish household get an extra tax of 3,000 DKK per year until 2039. On the same time, our nation largest bank, Danske Bank, made a profit on government bailout for staggering 145 billion DKK. Not only that, PM Lars Løkke demands that every single danish taxpayer needs to pay PSO-electricity tax(Public Service Obligation) which is illegal acc. to EU...OMG!! What the hell is going on...